Dr. Alejandra Ramos Rivera: Discovering Hidden Order in the Chaos

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Have you ever wondered if there is a method to what appears to be randomness? Join us on a journey into the fascinating world where order is created out of what appears to be chaos. During this talk, we will explore how patterns unexpectedly appear in seemingly unrelated things. From everyday situations to puzzles that baffle mathematicians, we will show the surprising cases where structure arises naturally. During this talk we will consider questions such as: how large must the set of numbers, points or objects be in order to find a pattern? Can we always find a highly regular pattern? We will look at some examples and open problems in different areas of mathematics that people are interested in nowadays.

Alejandra Ramos Rivera je zaključila dodiplomski študij uporabne matematike na Metropolitan Autonomous univerzi v Mexico Cityju (2012) in nadaljevala magistrski študij matematičnih znanosti na Matematičnem inštitutu UNAM (2014), kjer je delala na področju abstraktnih politopov. Doktorirala je iz matematike leta 2019 na Inštitut Andreja Marušiča Univerze na Primorskem. Trenutno je zaposlena na Univerzi na Primorskem in na Inštitutu za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko v Ljubljani. Njen raziskovalni interes je uporaba algebraičnih orodij za preučevanje simetrije v diskretnih objektih in sorodnih področjih.
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