Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn: Government in 'complete disarray' - BBC News

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Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn says "we are in an extremely serious and unprecedented situation" and accuses the government of being in "complete disarray".

He says it has been apparent "for weeks" that the deal would not be satisfactory to the Commons, yet the vote was pulled at the last minute.

He says the Irish Taoiseach has said there can be no changes made to the backstop. He asks if the deal in "front of this House" is not "off the table" but is instead being brought back later on.

"This is a bad deal for Britain, a bad deal for our economy, and a bad deal for our democracy," Mr Corbyn states.

He says that if the prime minister cannot negotiate an acceptable deal then "she must make way". He adds that the PM must work on building consensus in the Commons.

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Jeremy Corbyn would make a great Prime Minister


Jesus Christ this comment section is spicy, to all the people spouting Corbyn hate: no, he is not a terrorist sympathizer, what makes you think this, The Sun? I'm genuinely interested in why you people hate him mindlessly without researching anything... We've had conservative party lite and the actual conservative party for nearly 20 years now, and we're living in a shit hole country. The Blairite labour party put us down n the recession, and the conservative party kept us there, give a socialist candidate a chance and I can almost guarantee, that living quality in this country will go up, Brexit will become less of a shitshow (better than it is now anyway), and we will all be better off...

Also to people specifically saying that terrorists want Corbyn in power, I can guarantee they'd rather have the conservatives in government, making it easier to commit terrorist attacks by cutting police numbers, giving them more recruits by continuing to fund war in the middle East thus radicalising many young people.

I have used facts and reason to completely debunk your arguments, if you disagree then debate it with me, but don't just say I'm brainwashed or some shit, don't call me an idiot, debate me using facts, not scapegoats or strawmen


And who the hell does Tony Blair think he is, shouldn't he be locked up for war crimes and the murder of thousands of innocent people, does he still think he is prime minister, not only is he all over the world poking his nose in everywhere, but now he is having a cosy visit with president Kenyatta in Kenya, tell us is he still part of the goverment, or is he covering his own ass again


She does the classic- I don't have an answer so I will just strawman and argue irrelevant points..


That's so childish of her to point a finger at the opposition party. Just answer a damn question.


#jc4pm ASAP please ... A real and caring "honest" government is what's needed. 👍


Well goodbye democracy looks like their plan to remain in the EU is on track!


I've hated Cornyn for years now he's the only one speaking any sense.




As much as I dislike Theresa May, you must sympathise with the position that she has been put in by David Cameron, who earned that nickname ‘Dodgy Dave’ as David Skimmer put it.

Her deal may be shit but who has a better idea/who can do it better? Corbyn?


Red or blue, left or right, in or out, surely one thing we can agree on is that the way these people bleet and crow at each other is just embarrassing. It's sounds like a bloody farm yard.


I think may should step down and let labour party form the new government. So that whatever happens in March will be labour's responsibility and in the next general election they could use this against labour and win it.

Because no matter even if may government survives this whole brexit charade, it will act as a big negative for them in the next election and they will lose it.

So in current situation it will be better to sit in opposition during the whole brexit and aftermath of brexit. Whoever will be in opposition during the brexit will have the strongest chance to win next general election.

Because ultimately party is more important than country for these politicians.


Her inner lizard was revealed when it tried to dance, it's limbs are too short to control the mechanisms of her humanoid intergalactic space suit 😂😂😂😂


Real facts about Jeremy Corbyn's character ...
For 35 years (since Jeremy Corbyn became a Parliament member (MP) for Islington North in 1983) his fight for social justice and peace throughout the world, is very well documented.
Jeremy Corbyn signed a motion that condemned IRA violence in 1994. TheLabour leader also  supported an early day motion to commemorate the victims of the IRA bombing in Birmingham in 1974. Any involvement with the IRA in the early days were peace talks - basically he was doing his job.
Only the media have corrupted this information.
Jeremy Corbyn has also won
amongst others, the 'Sean MacBride' prize for peace and The Gandhi foundation international peace award in 2013.
Unlike the capitalist media, whom love to destroy, corrupt, and throw derogatory slander, Jeremy Corbyn has always stood by his principles.
Since Labour has returned to its original principles (i.e. non Blairite) membership has grow substantially. In fact Labour is now the largest political party in Europe. And unlike many, don't confuse Labour's socialism with communism - a stupid tactic being used to try and discredit.
You mention he has associations with dubious leaders and politicians...??
What about Mrs May and her Government selling arms to the Saudi's which in turn kill innocent children and civilians in Yemen and Seria... As well as other dictatorships... What about the many thousands who have died here due to Austerity.
There's many official reports stating, thousands have died on the street, to elderly living in care homes, yet this info is either brushed aside or gagged.
I remember well the Thatcher era and the massive collapse of British industry - another Tory legacy that's now shaded completely by May and her incompetence government.


Where is Harry Potter when you need him?


Of course if these type of brits hadn’t of sold of all the industries and services which were public property..the government was responsible for the keep not to sell property which was never theirs to sell..England wouldn’t be in this position because it’d still be an industrial power house...but the 1970s fuel deal with Saudi Turkish delighted our weak minded money grabbing burocrats. England is going to have to rebuild our country...some are investigating geo magnetic procession.to increase power by 40% with no moving parts...our national understanding of magnetism and electrical field theory will definitely leave the public free from energy issues...the public have to stick together with the public..these lot in this building won’t be representing us lot again


God, we are so fucked. I've never supported the Tory party, but I feel so sorry for Theresa May. Government is fucked, parliament is fucked, May is fucked, and this country is fucked. I spoiled my ballot during the referendum and abstained, as I believed that we were not given adequate information, as a people, to be able to make a decision. I now believe that our own government didn't have the right information to negotiate Brexit. No one had any idea what the outcome would be, what effects this would cause, or that we would be strong-armed into a deal that effectively means there will be no real change. I now wish that I had voted to remain, as it is quite clear that the EU will not allow us to leave on any favorable terms, and being unable to trade with the EU without extensive and extortionate tariffs will mean losing a huge amount of money. God save us.


Britain is blessed to have a leader like Jeremy.
Do your own FACTUAL research, NOT read opinion pieces.

remember that David whats-his-name?
hE WAS FULL OF SHIT till the brexit vote came out.


I am a philistine. After Brexit UK there will be no easy times. In this I agree with the opposition. And Europe will be different. The main friend ran away!
Common man


This Government needs to be changed, unfortunately the Labour front bench is so lacking I would rather put up with the status quo....
