A Coffee Brewing Theory '4:6 method' Invented by Tetsu Kasuya_ World Brewers Cup 2016 Champion

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A Coffee Brewing Theory "4:6 method" Invented by Tetsu Kasuya.
ワールドブリュワーズカップ2016優勝 粕谷哲の抽出理論「4:6メソッド」

equipment:HARIO V60 Dripper

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It’s a great method by the champ. Basically it’s 5 pours. 1st 50g and 2nd 70g= 120grams or 40%.
3rd 60g 4th 60 and 5th 60g. 3-5=180 or 60%. Total 300grams. Also wait :45 second between each pour.
The 40% brings out the sweetest and acidity and the 60% the strength. Hope it helps you. Had to Google it my self because I also did not understood :)


Pretty straightforward, unlike the lot that want me to do a shamanic ritual before making a V60.


2 years of homebrewing, and I get to see this now?!!
Lifesaver, game-changer, whatever you wanna call it, God bless you, Tetsu!


Grind size: Coarse
Ratio: 20g for 300 / 1:15
Brew time: 3min 30s

1. Rinse filter & pre-heat V60

2. Pour in 20g of coarse-ground coffee

3. Add 60g of water per pour 5 times, waiting 45s between each pour. This results in a total brew of 300g.

4. Control the balance of the coffee by modifying the 1st and 2nd pours. For a sweeter brew, make a smaller first pour (e.g. 50g). For more acidity, a larger one will do the trick.

5. Use either less or more water for the second pour to compensate for the difference (if any) in the first one.

6. The 3rd, 4th and 5th pours can be tweaked to 2 larger 90g pours for a weaker brew, or into 4 smaller 45g pours for a stronger one.



・全注湯量(使う豆量の3倍の湯量を5回に分け注ぐ)を前半(1, 2投目)40%と後半(3, 4, 5投目)60%に分け、前半で味(酸味と甘味のバランス)、後半で濃度を調整する。

・前半40%(1.2投目)は45秒間隔、後半60%(3, 4, 5投目)からは40秒, 35秒と注湯間隔を順に減らして、開始から3分30秒経過時点でドリッパーを外す。




0:00    60g (50g)〈70g〉

0:45    120g 

1:30    180g  【210g】

2:10    240g  【300g】

2:45    300g  【注湯しない】

3:30    ドリッパー外す


0:00    45g (35g)〈55g〉

0:45    90g

1:30    135g  【157.5g】

2:10    180g  【225g】

2:45    225g  【注湯しない】

3:30    ドリッパー外す

※ (    )   ←より甘くしたい場合

 〈  〉 ←より酸味を出したい場合

 【   】 ←より薄くしたい場合


Brilliant method. This taught me to add less water in first pour to increase sweetness, did not know that variable before. Now, if you want the perfect cup combine this method with Matt Perger's method where you mix the coffee and water at first pour for 10 seconds, and you tap the V60 at the end to get a flat coffee base. I think increases extraction and sweetness, the combination of these tow methods has been a revelation to me, I bet you next world champion uses it but you have seen it here first :)


2 years later, the best V60 coffee ever tasted. Thank you!


Just tried this method and was immediately surprised with how much more coffee:water was employed. About 30% more coffee than I was using. I was worried that this would elevate the acidity and overwhelm the taste buds. No way. So smooth with no acidity. This technique makes a big difference. I am sold.


For noob like me, it is the most simple pour over method explanation


I've been experimenting with pour over for about 6 months at home- this is a revolution for me!


The first go that I had at this recipe produced a very complex cup and one of the best that I have ever made at home. Amazing recipe!


I started out with Rao’s method, then James Hoffmann. I ended up with this method recently. It gives so much more clarity in the cup than the other method I tried.


・ The total amount of pouring water (three times the amount of beans used and pouring in five times) is divided into 40% in the first half (1, 2 pours) and 60% in the second half (3, 4, 5 pours). Tasted in the first half (40%) for Balance of sourness and sweetness, adjust the strength in the latter half (60%).
・ In taste adjustment, if you want to bring out more sweetness, reduce the first pour and increase the second pour accordingly. The opposite is true if you want to get more acidity.
・ If you want to make it thinner in the concentration adjustment, reduce the number of castings in the latter half 60% and increase the pouring amount for each casting. If you want to make it darker, vice versa. (However, since this method originally has a property that it tends to become darker, it is unlikely that there will be cases where it is desired to make it even darker.)
・ In the first half 40% (1st, 2nd pour), 45 seconds interval, from the latter half 60% (3, 4, 5th pour), 40 seconds, 35 seconds, decreasing the pouring interval in order to reach 3 minutes 30 seconds.
・ Mesh of beans is coarsely ground. (About a French press)
・ Hot water temperature is high for shallow roasting (eg 93 Celsius degrees), low for deep roasting (eg 85 degrees) and medium (eg 90 degrees) for medium roasting.
・ Rinse the paper filter before adding beans. (To slow down the extraction speed in the dripper.)

"Concrete example"
・ In the case of beans 20g


Well wrap me up in ice cream and call me a bundle of joy,
That’s the best tasting v60 I’ve ever made


This method made the best drip coffee, I've ever tried.


Great method, I think, improving Raos & Hoffman bringing up further subtleties in the coffee. Some things that are not said in this video but you should have in consideration: 1- The grind is coarse, so better use maximum temperature for the water (100C) 2- In each pour, wait until grounds are dry, and then proceed with the next one. 3- Do the pour agressively, disrupting the coffee bed at each pour and covering the whole surface in circles, otherwise, will be hard to create the flat leveled bed.

I think with this three tips + what its in the video, your coffees will be outstanding.


Thank you for not only a very informative video, but also for making it concise and not dedicating 30% of the video to telling me to do things to the like and subscribe buttons.


I tried this method recently and noticed the coffee comes out as he described in another video - a more clean/clear tasting coffee.


Many years of perfecting the cup. Got a number of perfect brews but never could replicate. Kasuya's method does that.


I’m simplifying it to 2:3 method and now it’s called the Dylan Coleman method
