Trip Report: Air New Zealand 787 Business Class Sydney Auckland

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Is Air New Zealand Sydney Auckland Business Class as bad as you think? The seat is woeful, but the improved lounges and better food than anticipated turned what could have been a grim flight into one that was acceptable, albeit with considerable room for improvement.
Check in 0:20
Sydney AirNZ Lounge 1:00
Business Class cabin 4:16
Takeoff 9:35
IFE 11:56
Lunch 13:26
Landing 16:37
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Not much point in having a window seat if you can’t see out, plus the lack of privacy.


This is what happens when you dont have enough No-people on the board. Whoever approved this layout need to be kept away from all decision making processes.


Whoever designed that seat should be fired. When I fly ( always in business class ) I get a window seat. And when I'm in a window seat I want to be able to see out of the window.


Sorry to hear about your previous experience with Air NZ. Disgusting that they did not even apologise for their inappropriate behaviour! Wonderful to hear you did receive an apology from a senior crew member. We too have experienced a similar encounter with a senior member in Business Class, at an airshow, displaying their latest aircraft. My partner sat down on one of their seats, whilst I visited the pilot in the cockpit and heard a senior crew member raise their voice at my partner. Both the captain and I were not impressed. I marched out to find out what had happened to find my partner was in tears. As it is she is a nervous flyer, this experience certainly did not help any anxieties. The other crew were amazing, noticed and apologised and showed us through the plane and sit down anywhere. There was no signage on the side that she sat on, to say display seats only. However they were on the otherside. The over reaction and yelling in front of everyone, was not acceptable, put us off flying Air NZ to London! We instead flew Business Class with Singapore Airlines, which we loved!!! Fantastic to hear your experience with this Air NZ crew was much more enjoyable and friendly wonderful accommodating service.


I rather sit in the premium economy than that ridiculous seat.


Bro stop being a hater… anyway they released a new first class which is better than all the business class seats combined… and there’s beds in economy! Clearly the best airline. And that’s why I have not subbed.


No Privacy, just like henhouse.
Not worth for $$$.

With an outstanding dreamliner product, why designed stupid seat for Biz class. lol.


Great video! Excellent camera work (the landing over the water..just wow!!!) and informative and entertaining narrative..loved it. What a nightmare you had on this previous flight. Great that crew was so sweet on this one. But no: never ever in my life would i book a ticket in this horrible C cabin..NEVER.


Horrible layout. What's the point of having windows?


TO THE RAIN IN NEW ZEALAND.OK Dont like those Business Class seat.Great work


A very strange business class- but interesting!great review🙌


With so many feet sticking into the isle it's a podiatrists dream come true. For everyone else it's a nightmare. Hope everyone was wearing clean socks.


Your business class seats are just ridiculous. When are you going to change them?


That's a horrible Business Class setup. In what Universe is it a good idea? I wonder why Air New Zealand didn't also specify the windows to be blanked.


Th ANZ business class seating lay out, is more like a podiatry clinic chair, shall avoid !


I am now unsure, I always fly the Emirates 380 from London to Auckland. However, I have always wanted to try the Turkish Business class and it's almost £3000 cheaper. Turkish takes you to Hong Kong where you complete your journey on Air NZ Dreamliner. That seat looks terrible, do I want to spend 8 hours in it


I always wanted to fly business class and sit in those seats, great I suppose on long haul as you can lay down, but honestly I hated it. Yes the slide out tray table was so nice and pull out screen, but there is nowhere to put your things, it was so dimly lit, I could not see where my plugs went into. And absolutely no privacy and my husband was opposite me which had a window you could not see out of. I gave gown premium on Air NZ, that’s ok as well. But we also fhave flown in business class and premium on China Airlines, and there premium seats were so nice, they had seatbelts like your car, and did not have to ask for seat belt extenders, they had a tray table that pulled out, with all the trimming’s. So disappointing. I think moving forward Air NZ need to lift its game. 😒


Terrible Business Class layout. I would never choose this.


Air NZ still thinking they're innovative and cutting edge when in reality they're not nearly competitive in Business. Bad seats, tiny IFE, poor service. What a clown airline


Total lack of privacy, no place for a couple. Thanks for warning us off.
