Check this CODE Before Buying New Tires! #Shorts

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How do you check how old tires are and how old can tires be before they go bad? Do tires expire? In this #shorts video I cover how to tell how old tires are. You never want to buy new tires older than 18 months and you want to start thinking about replacing your tires if they are 6yrs old and at 10yrs or more definitely replace them!

When I got my first set of new tires for my first car I was so excited. On the drive home I spun out on a turn and almost wrecked my car. I didnt take the turn fast or anything and I was so confused at what happend. After doing research I found my "new tires" were actually 7 years old and the rubber had become brittle and less grippy. Tire-easy would not let me exchange the tires because they were mounted so I learned an expensive and almost deadly lesson. Always check the tire age before buying tires!
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I learned this the hard way! When I got my first set of new tires for my first car I was so excited. On the drive home I spun out on a turn and almost wrecked my car. I didnt take the turn fast or anything, and I was so confused at what happend. After doing research I found my "new tires" were actually 7 years old and the rubber had become brittle and less grippy. Tire-easy (where I purchased the tires) would not let me exchange the tires because they were mounted so I learned an expensive and almost deadly lesson. Always check the tire age before buying tires!


Here in Spain learning how to know a tyres age is an actual thing at driving schools, and the examinator can use it as a part of the final test.


Chris is a national asset. The man deserves to be protected at all costs. Awesome dude!


Some other info:
If you can't see the date code, try the other side of the tire, it typically only gets printed on one side.
If your date code has 3 digits, that means it's from before 2000, and you should really replace it asap.

Had a Sears tire from 1996 show up at the shop last week, that was interesting to see.
Also, someone dropped off a new-old-stock motorbike tire (presumably to be thrown out) that still had all the labels, and was dated the second week of 2000. Everyone was confused.


Tires 101. I always check these whenever buying tires, private sale and otherwise.

First sets of tires I got for the Vic AND the Civic that preceded her were both four years old, bought private sale - didn’t check them over like I should have until the sale was done in both instances. My mistake. Luckily it only did minimal harm; the Vic’s tires were a set of all-weathers, so at least they got me through the safety inspection (though not the winter that followed) - and the Civic’s tires lasted the few years I had the car.

Conversely? I had the privilege of encountering a BMW at work whose owner was concerned about the grip of her tires… and found out those tires were 12 YEARS OLD. Ample tread, but otherwise hockey pucks! Sent ‘em to a tire shop nearby IMMEDIATELY.


I didn't know that. Thank you, Chris. Learned something new today. I planned on getting new tires in the next month or so, so I'll definitely be on the lookout for that.


Last year, my family's yellow car had a vibrating ride. There was a bulge on the car's left rear tire and all the tires got warped, turns out they are expired, and all four tires are replaced and wheels are aligned and adjusted the toe on the front tires. Thanks Chris. This is very helpful for me when it comes to tires.


Also, those wear marks are for dry pavement. Tires lose functionality for different conditions at different depths.
<5/32 - bad in snow
<4/32 - bad in wet conditions
<2/32 - bad in all conditions


At Walmart we wouldn't sell any tires more than 1-2 years old, typically they were just a few months. In terms of installation and work we could go up to the 10 year mark but we tried to heavily dissuade customers from using them. Then obviously lots of rules of tread depth, tire wear, etc. Long story short, if you go to privately owned, local shops, probably a safe idea to ask to see the tire if not providing your own but buying new from major, well known retailers you're probably safe.


I have never heard that. I even had my tires patched at a Discount Tire and he mentioned he didn’t know how old they were, but did t say anything about the date being on there. Good tip.


DOT. Oval. Tire age. Week - first 2 numbers. Year - last 2 numbers. Replace at 6 to 10 years. Make sure tires less then 18 months old at install. Mine are starting to dry rot sidewall.


Perfect timing, I need new tires for the winter and this will definitely help. Thank you!


Are you kidding me? Oh my goodness I cannot believe how great you are I never knew that I’m 62 years old and I had no clue about those two numbers. Wow you’re the best! You teach us and show us things of relevance all I ever see is the same type of videos over and over again by different mechanics I can’t wait to explore the rest of your videos. Thanks


I too had this happen to me. I was driving 400 miles home from visiting my parents while on holiday. I was half way there, going 80 on the interstate passing a semi when suddenly I felt my car's front right get lower. After that, my car suddenly jerked right sending me towards the semi. I was inches away from going under the trailer, but I managed to pull it back. I pulled over and come to find out, the sidewall on my tire had split all the way around. this wasn't the first time it happened, but when I took it to the place I got them, they told me it was just a single bad tire. Come to find out, the tires were 1 week before their expiration date was up. Had to drive 100 miles to the nearest tire shop on a donut to get it replaced. Good thing was that the tire shop that I went to said that the company policy says they were supposed to get rid of the tires long before that point and those tires were actually too small for my car (tires with too small of sidewall cant distribute heavy weight), so to make up for it, they gave me all four tires for just a $40 copay.


I just wanted to say your knowledge of vehicles has never led me wrong. For the last 6 years I've referenced your videos for repairs on my Jeep and I haven't had any issues. Your advice is always spot on down to the details. The fact that you share your knowledge is greatly appreciated. Thanks for not being that guy that can help, but just won't. Be proud that you're a Chris and not a Richard! Happy Holidays ✌🏻


THANK YOU for posting this. I've had shops try to put 3 and 4 year old tires on my cars over the years, and once had a shop put tires on that were over 5 years old. Never accept old tires! You are paying for new tires, and even though they have a mileage guarantee, that guarantee won't mean much if you wind up in a wreck and get injured or worse because of tire failure.
Huge thanks to Chris for posting!


i bought my first ever car, a honda civic, a couple months ago. Subscribing to this channel has literally taught me a lot of things i wanted to know. Thank you chrisfix


When I bought my 86 rx7, it had tires on it from 1992. I didn't check their age and I kept driving on them until this year. 20 year old tires, and they still held air and had good grip!! I was amazed when I finally checked the age. Wish I had seen this video years ago!!! Good video Chris!


*meanwhile me knowingly on 14 year old winter tires*


I love how chris always goes out of his way to help people protect their cars. What a man
