Meta Ethics OCR Religious Studies Lockdown Special!

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This video goes through the Meta Ethics topic. Don't forget to check out the blog: I Think Therefore I Teach for more help or comment underneath if you have any questions :)
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i dont know if this channel is active anymore but you are carrying me through my A level


this video is so helpful! thank you so much for all of your videos they really make a difference :)


This was really helpful for my revision! You're a great teacher. <3


been watching your videos this week for revision; you are excellent! out of interest- which out of ethical naturalism, intuitionism and emotivism do you think is most effective?


Youre my life saver thank you so much ❤❤❤


When MacIntyre argues that emotivism does not distinguish between feelings and moral feelings, what does this criticism mean? As on the slide before it says Stevenson claimed moral statements were influenced by ones beliefs and then influence others to hold this same view, I understand this as: every feeling is about something moral, which makes sense. But this makes MacIntyre's redundant as then it means there as all feelings are moral to some extent. So am just a bit confused on MacIntyre's point against emotivism.


Hi, is the 'begging the question' criticism good for Intuitionism as a critique? That Moore comes to the conclusion by assuming that 'i.e. swearing= bad' can't be a statement relating to the natural world because i.e. 'pleasure= good' 'pleasure from swearing= good' > Moore has assumed this in the Naturalistic fallacy argument, but has not proven that this is an open-ended question, only used the argument to support his assumption. I think that's the argument from my understanding- and does the 'begging the question' criticism come up in Philosophy as a whole? Because this would also be called a 'Categorical Mistake', in that Moore is 'begging' his argument into truth by saying 'x=good' so 'y=good' - and then saying that this is wrong and so moral properties cannot be related to the natural world. But has not proved that- only come to the logic through his *assumption*. Apologies if this does not make any sense haha. (and sorry for the many questions I'm leaving...). I hope this makes sense as a question, thank you for your help.


Hi, just wondering if for a general ethics essay (e.g. about the usefulness of Situation Ethics) would you need to apply it fully to an example? Including applying each of the 6FPs, for example? Thanks :)


hii, could you argue that a combination of ethical naturalism and intuitionism offer the best approach, as we develop our intuitions through observing our empirical world at a young age which then determines our overall outlook and perception of what is right and wrong. So ethical naturalism is not something that we consciously use everyday to examine the ‘wrongness’ of an action but instead it unconsciously alters our intuitions as we learn from what we have been exposed to. Once we get to a certain age we feel as if we have these concrete intuitions and moral standards but they are a product of our experience with the natural world as oppose to being born with pre- existing intuitions.


Thanks so much for the video. I understand that naturalism says that morals are based on evidence, but I don't understand how they determine what is good. Saying that someone is honest can be verified with evidence, but verifying that someone is ‘good’ relies on an already established definition of good, so I was wondering if you knew what their definition of good would sound like. Or maybe we just don't need to know this for the exam?


hiya, i am slightly confused in what the spec wants us to say in response to the Ao2 point "whether or not what is meant by the word ‘good’ is the defining question in the study of ethics" ?


Hi Thanks so much for this i just have a question i am still confused of naturalism is it okay if you can briefly explain it?


Hi, with the Hitler example for ethical and non ethical statements shall it be used in the introduction for explaining key terms?


Actual legend man, thanks for these vids


I have another question. Sorry! When metaethics says what is good is found in nature, does this exclusively mean just the natural world or could it also include human nature?


Hi, I'm a bit confused about something. Is natural law essentially an application of ethical naturalism idea?


Hi, I am slightly confused because my school taught us that Phillipa Foot was an intuitionist and in fact came up with the term intuitionism? Is this not correct and how should I bring her into an essay if she is both?


is intuitivsim objective or subjective and is it relative?
Thank you


Hi, can it be argued emotivism is only a matter of opinion that is falsifiable?
