Let's Talk about the Quincy Action Figure...

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The Rare Quincy Action Figure works in a very simple way, it gains value the more you keep it, but there's a catch with the timing of it's placement and how it translates to money made (or lost) during the next rounds, and people might sometimes be making mistake when using it to make money. Let me explain.

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Not sure about how farms will incorporate into this but it should be very interesting to optimize it. I feel like the reinvested cashflow from farms would always win so getting them on the same round *feels* like it would be better but the fine line would be drawn at how many farms are we talking about. Of course, very map/difficulty dependent as well! What are your guys' thoughts on this?


I tend to buy them together so I don't have to worry about remembering to buy the action figure. I've also gotten into situations where buying the action figure quickly becomes unattainable due to how fast the price increases vs how much money I make a round. I prefer to avoid that frustration and have the action figure out asap. Depending on how hard I plan on farming I'll usually save the action figure until I can sell it to upgrade to a 3-2-0 or a 4-2-0 farm straight up.


I usually buy them at the same time for less so I can farm and defend without leaking instead of buying later for more


You usually primarily want the best exponentially curve for your figure but you also need to be able to afford it in the first place so there's that limitation. There's a spot in the middle where you pay slightly extra for Geraldo figure for a better exponential curve and it pays off greatlyin the long run. If you place Geraldo too late so you can get ultra cheap figure, the figure itself will generate a significantly less money.


calling it an NFT isn't accurate! if it really was an NFT, you would need to buy it for hundreds of thousands of money, and then two rounds later its sell value drops to $15.


Buying same round is better in most games because it makes defense easier and allows for quicker farms. It's the same reason that you should sell the nft around round 40 instead of round 80. Yes it has higher value at 80 but the money you make from reinvesting the nft into farms on 40 is worth more than the gain on the nft

Edit: I was wrong. I do a test with 1 farm (220) between early geraldo vs geraldo and nft same turn.

Geraldo and NFT same turn: Round 40 ending gold: 8172 NFT Value: 12, 883 Total $21, 055
Early Geraldo: Round 40 ending gold: 7769 NFT Value 17, 147 Total $24, 916

Build orders for both scenarios (with MK)

NFT and Geraldo same turn:

Round 1: Free Dart Monkey
Round 3: Geraldo and NFT
Round 8: Banana Farm
Round 10: 100 Farm
Round 11: 200 Farm
Round 12: 210 Farm
Round 13: 220 Farm
Round 14: Sniper
Round 15: 110 Sniper (strong)
Round 16: second sniper 010 (first)
Round 17: 020 sniper (first)
Round 18: 120 sniper (strong)
Round 24: 030 sniper (first)
round 37: 420 sniper (strong)

Round 40 ending gold: 8172 NFT Value: 12, 883
Total $21, 055

Geraldo first:
Round 1: Free Dart and Geraldo
Round 4: NFT
Round 9: Farm
Round 10: 100 Farm
Round 12: 200 Farm
Round 13: 210 Farm
Round 14: 220 Farm
Round 15: Sniper > 100 (Strong)
Round 16: 110 sniper (strong)
Round 17: second sniper 010 (first)
Round 18: 020 sniper (first)
Round 19: 120 sniper (strong)
Round 25: 030 sniper (first)
round 37: 420 sniper (strong)

Round 40 ending gold: 7769 NFT Value 17, 147
Total $24, 916


I've never been able to catch up to the net price on impopable and since that's all I play for collection events, buying Geraldo early is never a good option.


I had always heard that it was better to buy on the same round, but it did seem a bit off, since the money the action figure sells for compounds.

Super interested to see how farms interact with this!!


for those who don't understand why, the moment the nft exists in geraldo's inventory it gains value, and since geraldo would be on the map earlier compared to if you bought them together, it increases more and earlier before interest decreases. you spend more money early on to gain a lot more later,


Ninja kiwi making us think and use math in a monkey game


For some maps, this is definitely a good idea, but I don't think this is gonna work on boss events:

- If you spend any significant amount of money (say for example, on a farm), you're going to delay getting your NFT a lot, if not completely miss getting it because its price grows too fast.
- If you wait till r15 to buy the NFT, and buy no farms in the meantime, you are gonna be derelict by r40.
- This is because, while you get ~7k extra by r40 with this start, you will be a LOT more than 7k behind on farming.
- Even having 1 bank extra over a normal farming strat by r30 will put you at least even with this strategy, but probably ahead.
- You will be a LOT more than 1 bank behind, starting your actual farming on r16, you'll get your first bank mid-late 20s, whereas with buying the NFT at the same time you could already HAVE a bank by that point with buying the NFT at the same time/Ben.


On hard difficulty the buy Geraldo first and get action figure later strategy can be really difficult to pull off, and is only really possible on beginner maps and some intermediate maps. And unlike with the buy both at the same time strategy you can't spend anything on additional defense while saving up. So even if it can make you more money it won't always work.


Doing this with farms would be very interesting and appreciated for sure


part 2 - yes.

also could work out is if we should sell initially to build a BRF or something like that.

I think you or hbomb already had a video on what round best to sell, from memory I think anything past round 80 was getting less gain in value/round so that was the sell point back then.

But curios if sold maybe at round 40 or earlier to allow to build a BRF


i usually only buy them at the same time if i'm unable to defend well with only the dart and geraldo


Knew this since Geraldo came out and understood why people said it was better to buy at the same time


You do too much for us, we love you Ethan Reid, thank you


$100 in round 3 is worth a lot more than $1, 000 in round 80. So I'd still stick with buying together.


I'm very unconvinced that Geraldo and a 000 dart monkey can defend "most" maps to round 15 on hard.


Waiting until r15 to even start farming is killer on bosses. You need to find a middle ground where you don’t get them both on the same round but also don’t spend 10 rounds saving up to spend 1.5K on it. At that point the extra ~800 could go to a farm and I expect you’d be better off…
