This world is a phantom, revealed by quantum physics

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0:00 Physicists
1:41 Quantum physics
5:01 Double slit experiment
9:48 Quantum Entanglement
12:33 The essence of the world

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I believe this universe to have been created intelligently. An entity, being or superconciousness created a vast possibly endless space filled with ever moving, ever changing matter and energy. When this space was created it's creator then dissolved itself into individual bytes of matter/energy/conciousness and spread itself throughout that creation to experience it from a nearly infinite number of perspectives. In other words we, and all other conscious forms of matter and energy, are, for lack of a better term, "God-bytes". Our incorporeal energy/soul/inner light is the creator experiencing its creation. It is the source from which all things sprang and to which all things eventually return. It is the story of creation that is kept in the Akashic Record. All of reality is being observed at the macro, micro and quantum levels. It should make for an incredibly interesting story should we ever have the opportunity to read it. It is the reason I believe our understanding of the mechanics of the universe will remain unknown to us. We struggle with simple concepts such as right and wrong when there is no actual right or wrong in the mind of the creator, they are simply actions needing to be observed and recorded. Reality is both a silent peaceful space and one of constant violence. I suspect our place in it will not be understood for a very long time providing we survive long enough to advance our civilizations understanding of this place. Live long and prosper. 🖖🏼


My father was a professor of nuclear physics working on clean nuclear energy( fusion reactors) back in the 60s to 1990s
He was in charge of the construction design and theory behind a small experimental plasma “reactor “
Just basically for measurements of the potential reactions.
This was called a Tokamak made in the Sydney University Physics department.
Plasma reactors are the most promising and current design believed to have cracked the code of an actual fully working reactor of which they are now building.
I’m proud of him and look up to him with admiration.


Heres a fun idea about quantum physics, in minecraft, when you fly around the world, chunks have to be loaded so you can interact with them, but the chunks are only loaded when you observe them. If you leave the chunk, the game does not render it, but its still there, only when you observe the chunk it becomes a visible, interactive state, quite similar to quantum physics. So the universe could be a simulation!


In my understanding, the wave-particle duality is simply this: a wave becomes a particle. The quantum wave function is merely a description, an observation describing the wave becoming a particle. So, what is an observation? An observation is any disturbance to this wave out of which this then becomes a particle. So, our body is our observation of our mind. Our mind is the wave.


Yes, as a Buddhist I see world as an illusion of perception.
Ultimately reality is Emptiness is form, form is emptiness.


I stumbled upon your channel by 'accident'. I absolutely adore quantum physics, but I also relate it to my North Indian spirituality. Your video has been fascinating and has inspired me into further pursuing knowledge of quantum physics and my own spiritual practice. Thank you!


Love it ! The All is mental. Quantum physics has proven the 7 hermetic universal laws! It's an amazing time we are in .


saya menyadari hal ini bertahun tahun yg lalu bahwa kehidupan yg kita jalani ini adalah seperti konsep virtual reality dan kehidupan iini mulai dari awal penciptaan hingga kiamat tidak kebih dari sebuah program. itulah mengapa mulai dari penciptaan hingga akhir dari dunia ini bisa diterangkan di kitab2 suci. ruang dan waktu ini hanyalah sebuah program seperti sebuah alur video dan saat kita 'mati' sebenarnya disitulah kita 'hidup' terbangun dari permainan ini. senang rasanya ada channel yang satu frekwensi dengan pemikiran saya 😊


This is the reason why Neville Goddard’s Law Of Assumption works and also the Law Of Attraction. Life molds itself realistically and seamlessly to fit your assumptions and perspectives. I’ve tested this countless times and it ALWAYS works. If you don’t believe it works then life will mold itself to show you ONLY that it doesn’t work. It’s mind boggling but it just goes to show you why keeping a positive mindset and attitude is essential because the world/universe is simply a mirror to your mindset and personality. It doesn’t care what you project. Don’t fight the mirror(world) for it only reflects your inner world. Instead change what you are projecting and the world/universe will confirm the change. Everyone is doing this and it’s why we all have completely different life experiences unless you share a similar mindset with someone else. Then you’ll share that experience with them for good or bad depending on what you all are projecting.


As a physicist the fact of the matter remains that if you do these Youngs experiments you never get any result other than the one you are looking for. These by the way are experiments so easy to set up, I really don't know why Universities don't have open days to perform them and see the results for themselves. If you look for wave behaviour you find it, look for particle behaviour you find it from the same source. You have no option but to come to the Heisenberg conclusion that the act of observation changes that which is being observed. So does this mean pre-determination?


I don’t think we’re in a virtual reality simulation exactly because if you watch tons of near death experiences, they always talk about leaving their body and seeing their body when they die and they float up and go through the ceiling, up to the sky and even exiting Earth and flying through space until a portal takes them. These people who die even talk about how they can hear everyone’s conversations like doctors while they’re watching them with the doctors unable to see them. And when they’re revived they tell the doctors exactly what they were talking about and the doctors are flabbergasted! So by those countless accounts, I don’t think it’s necessarily a simulation per say but something deeper otherwise our life would just “turn off” like a game because our brains have died. People interested in the simulation theory should study the COUNTLESS near death experiences on YouTube. It’ll definitely change your perspective and there’s LOTS of credible evidences on this out there!!!


Brilliant video! Here's some more rhetorical questions ie food for thought...

What is the relationship between Ultimate Reality and the Simulation, is it real, apparent or unreal?

If real then what is the relationship between Ultimate Reality and that real-relationship? This will quickly descend into infinite regress.

If apparent relationship then what is the cause of this apparent relationship?

If unreal then why is there an experience of the Simulation.

In conclusion, what is Ultimate Reality?

Contemplating on these rhetorical questions is the path of the Upanishads, Advaita Vedanta and the Yoga Vasisthas.


In Hari stotram one line said - Duravaar maayam means Vishnu has infinite illusion

Line - Mahadaitya kaalam means he is bigger than TIME

And another line JAGAT SANNIVASAM means who lives everywhere in the world..

So I think as we live in his infinite illusion he is able to be everywhere at the same time because he bigger than TIME itself


I like the term "mirage" better. It's more poetic. I believe it's from the Sufis. Many thousands of years old. A "real" illusion, a creation, like a watercolor. We are made of real illusions. If we study our nature directly, we can discover what we are. In physics, we discover what is already been known for eons.


We are the literal ashes of the stars walking around fulfilling our lives and to a black hole (don’t quote me on it I read something about it) we are the shadows of ourselves. Maybe nothing exists outside our minds. Quantum mechanics relies on an observer and quantum entanglement. I at least wanna know half the secrets of this universe or multiverse


I have always been fascinated by quantum physics. If I had the math skills when I took physics in college, I would have changed my major from biology to physics. I am still fascinated by the subject, but it is still way beyond my comprehension. I enjoy videos on the subject, also enjoy a beautiful sunset and watching ants gathering their supplies for the winter. Next lifetime, maybe. 🧐


My take:
1. Murmuration in birds and fishes suggest an invisible exchange of information that manifests as patterns.
2. Development and growth of science among scientists who did not directly come into contact yet seem to be developing or discovering knowledge in a CERTAIN direction.
3. The smallest particles that form the building blocks of nature are in uninterruptible communication.
4. These particles do the creation and destruction of all that is manifested.


it may not ba perfect physics verbage use but I've been thinking about this so much lately. How the behavior of quantum particles can describe many of the so called weird things that happen. Doppelgangers, time slips, dimensional issues, spirits, ect. all are considered a glitch or paranormal but I see it as normal quantum behavior, but for some reason we are able to see through another perspective or observational point or some perfect storm of conditional stimuli Which changes the position or rules of the quantum particles. Everyone says ppl are crazy or it's not possible but if you understand quantum behavior even a little bit it makes so many things become possible. Our perception is just so extremely limited.


Even when you keep the recording going which will always produce 2 bands of light but then erase the results before looking, you'll get a wave pattern. Its not about observation exactly its more so about information.


"When you look from where looking looks, the game is over." Wu Hsin
