Finding Freedom in Forgiveness and Letting Go of Bitterness - Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church

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Bill Johnson teaches on the freedom that comes with forgiveness and how to let go of bitterness. Unforgiveness produces bitterness in our lives and poisons our perspective. Unforgiveness and bitterness keeps us imprisoned in the past, unable to move forward into what God has for us. Bitterness is something we are all susceptible to, and we must learn to protect our hearts from it. Forgiveness is a choice, and while it is not always easy, freedom is the result.

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Scripture References:
Hebrews 12
Ephesians 4: 26-27
Matthew 6: 10
Matthew 3: 8
Romans 12: 18
Philippians 4: 8

Originally shared at Bethel Church, Redding California, on November 25, 2018.

Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. He is senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and is passionate about seeing Revival and God’s Kingdom established and revealed in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations. Bill’s teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven, hosting the Presence, and the renewed mind has helped thousands around the world to step into their true identity in Christ, God given purpose, and walk in a supernatural lifestyle displaying both purity and power.

#BillJohnson #BethelChurch #Forgiveness #Freedom
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Thank you for adding the transcript. It helps me write what touches me, and this one is so important. It is one of the devils main weapons against Christians! And it happens to be very successful! Thanks again for the teaching, and may we who hear put it into practice to Holy Spirit!


I love your teaching on anti-bitterness and forgiveness. I love your quiet confidence rather than screaming at us. We need the still small voice that cuts us free and penetrates greater than a sword. I have witnessed many who BELIEVE that anointing is volume and theatrics. I love the depth and glad I reconnected for such a time as this in my life, in our country, in the body of Christ. THANKS


very true. My mother and sister were both very bitter people and both died of cancer.
Bitterness is a disease.


Not only yesterday, the every challenging moment! There is freedom and wisdom on the other side of letting go of that moment 🙌🏾


This sermon pierced my heart. Not long after I listened, the Lord showed me I was trying to control those who’d hurt me because they didn’t think they had to apologize or in other words, do it My way. This sermon is gold. Thank you, Bill.


Preach the word, brother. Preach the word. I see the fingerprints of God all over your life and ministry.


Forgiveness is a giving. Do what’s right because that’s the right thing to do. He reminds my heart HIS GRACE AND THE MERCY HES GIVEN TO ME! Let us go and give the same Mercy🙏🏾Thank you Jesus. PRAISE GOD🫶🏾


If we know what to do, we don’t need faith. What we need is self motivation advice and life coaching skills .


This is so true. Please pray for my MIL who has developed paranoid schizophrenia due to life long bitterness and unforgiveness. She has cut off my family and disowned my husband as she thinks we are conspiring against her. My husband and I worked through our forgiveness, but we don’t want to see her condition worsen!


Thank you for the message, Paster Bill. I needed this. God Bless you


So clarified. THANK YOU LORD ❤️🙏🏼💖
Blessings and thank you MOG and STAY BLESSED, MORE GRACE TO YOU SIR ❤️🙏🏼💖


You know, I've been wondering. I think its super great that Pastor Bill Johnson reads some jokes to lighten up the room before the sermons. I was wondering what was the reason behind that decision? It'll be great to learn about that.


Thank you for continuing to stand with me for my breakthrough while God is at work and I long to see what He is doing behind the scenes


When saying bitter people can't be trusted, when some are put in the position after having their reputation tainted by words, why would there be trust? Especially in church where judgment is the goal in determining ones faith. If there's bitterness & distrust in the church, don't ignore the fighting sheep my shepherd, deal with it.


please pray for me family. I've been through sexual abuse, attempted murder. recently, my ex and her mum scammed me for £12000, and after I found out they got me arrested on false charges. Thanks to their lies, I got depression and PTSD. I am struggling


Click on his title
Then go down and you will see Transcript. Click on that.


Can anyone tell me if there is an interview or story about the man who was resurrected?? At the 8:27 mark … I’d love to hear more about that experience…


Bitterness drives people (females) to commit abortion perpetrated against their helpless children. Repentance is needed. "God's anger is directed towards those who don't love."


I think he actuallt meant "Data" on Star Trek...😂


Know This Word of The Lord!  God is Love!  Life is in His Words!  Warnings of war and terror are given by the antichrist!  Dying to your flesh in Daily Communion with Jesus is Only Way to Redeem your flesh minds from the endless entrainment the darkness does to any person's thoughts!  Dying as a Dead Dilent Sacrificed sheep is The Way to Follow Jesus as A True Worshiper!  I don't know your prayer lives but most of you are far too delinquent from The Floor with The Wine Pressors Feet!  The Intercession done in this Still Quiet Communion is done by Jesus Alone,   He Does all The Speaking!  You must begin a Fast from speaking about Christian subjects!  In this Intercession Jesus Speaks His Bread Words and Wine Blood to the prodigals to Feed their souls!  The Quieter you are in mind and spirit, the more easily the prodigals Hear His Words!  You will be allowed to Hear some of it!  Only to allow your soul to respond to teach the prodigals how Jesus Works in your lives!  They are able to Taste and See that The Lord is Good!  As you get more Still and at ease, your fleshly thinking is Renewed!  Jesus will Entrain your mind to be more Loving like His!  It is the principle, "As a man thinketh, so is he."  The company you keep and the subjects of war all around entrain themselves to you also!  Spending Everyday with Jesus' Communion is done until He says so!  You would have Heard this infomation years ago but you have not Followed Jesus The Way He Walks!  It only involves a Willing Sacrifice!  That is His Walk He is Calling you to do!  You have a choice to accept these words if you want!  At least Follow these instructions once before you decide!  The Way of Jesus is Silently Doing!  He Doesn't Announce to anyone what is next, He just Does!  His Words are always Now!  In the Old Testament there were prophets because Jesus need a Pure vessel to give accurately received words to. This man was required to follow rituals exactly!  Since the Holy Spirit has come, Jesus is The Prophet because His Spirit is in every Saved person. The only requirement for Christians to Listen to His Prophetic Words is to DAILY Commune with Him Eating and Drinking His Life Words!  Obedience is still a choice but what is coming is a Move of God never seen on the Earth!  To be able to participate in this Move, you must be Daily Listening to His Now Words Directly into your soul!  This can manifest much like the revival meetings Rodney Howard Browne conducts except in Silence!  This is the lastest stipulation because Christians are carrying too much flesh from a lack of Communion!  This is not an insult it is just due to the dark times in which we live!  It entrains our minds and makes us judgemental!  When your fleshly habits are broken Jesus will say when!  And when you hear news about a mass of miracles breaking out in a nursing home somewhere in the USA Jesus will tell you when you can go to the location of this New Move of God!  It will not be in any church this time!  It will be in a public building like a mall, theater, gym or government meeting chamber. The building will be recognized by The Cloud of Gold Glory around it. The bigger the city, the more buildings there will be!  Jesus calls them "Glory Holes."  Jesus will direct you to one near you and  you can go in and Drink your Fill!  When you get up, you will be wearing a New kind of Wine Skin!  The New Wine Gold Glory Jesus Suit!  You practicing at Dying as a Silent Sacrifice will allow Jesus to be The Puppet Master and you His puppet!  You will be moving in Lock Step with Jesus in Thought, Word and Deed!  Now you can Prophecy like Jesus because you will Look just like Him!  The prodigals you Interceeded for will fall at your feet ro be saved!  You will touch them and they will become also like Jesus!  This is just one of The Greater Works Jesus has up His Sleaves for The Church to perform!  This is A Walk in Heaven on Earth in your Heart as Jesus!  "Be Still and Know that I Am God!"
