The REAL Reason Pope Francis Restricted the Latin Mass

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The REAL Reason Pope Francis Restricted the Latin Mass

Michael Lofton addresses the real reason why Pope Francis issued Traditionis Custodes that restricted access to the Latin Mass.

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Hi Michael, why do you think Pope Francis been so quick, clear and authoritative on this "issue", but so quiet, ambiguous and inactive when we look at many other serious issues in the Church breeding confusion, schism and potential heresy?


Even if some trads take it too far, one has to ask themselves to what extent can you erode the traditions of Catholicism, and it still remain Catholicism?


I am a 40 year member of my local parish, which celebrates Novus Ordo only. Pretty much middle of the road, so I have no major issues. I believe Francis is over reacting to his perceived threat of TLM. My parish offers 7 Sunday masses, including 2 anticipatory on Sat and 5 on Sunday including a “Teen Mass”. Why can’t we just be allowed to have one traditional mass per week? I don’t see the harm in that compromise. I don’t question the validity of either form. I don’t feel superior to NO adherents, nor do I feel TLM adherents are apostates. Why can’t Francis just leave us alone?


In fairness, some of us would just like practitioners of the NO to actually follow the spirit of Vatican II themselves. In the meantime, we prefer to attend a traditional liturgy that excludes dancing clowns wrapped in rainbow flags.


What I want to see is a much more reverent NO masses, with no more abuses, PERIOD.


Whatever his reasons are this has hurt the Church. Many young converts that converted explicitly because of the spiritual fulfillment the Latin Mass are either finding new parishes that provide the Latin Mass or leaving the Church all together. Young people want the Latin Mass & if that is not provided for them then they will look elsewhere for spiritual fulfillment.


I converted to Catholicism this year and have only attended one Latin Mass before. I’m not emotionally invested in this debate, but I’ve always though that it was very strange given that the Eucharist is validly consecrated at any mass. That’s what’s important to me.


The thing that Catholics should do is to be open about the Liturgies used inside the Church. Trads must accept the New Mass and the 2nd Vatican Council as valid and also vice versa to liberal Catholics. Both TLM and the New Mass are valid.


As a convert i find latin mass very touching to me and not sure why he cant allow some churches still do TLM


I was born after 1988 and so all I've ever known is the Novus Ordo. Sadly I've missed everything that's been happening for the last 16-20 years while I fell away from the faith. My return back to the faith this year came through multiple spiritual experiences where the Spirit guided me towards learning the Rosary in Latin in which I find great peace and prayerfulness. I haven't had a chance to attend TLM because there is only 1 parish around me where it is celebrated and it is out of my way to get there and I have some other challenges that prevent me attending at the moment.

I thought the underlying intent of Vatican II liturgical changes was to draw more people closer to Christ in the Eucharist? The current state of affairs is terribly confusing. Some of us are clearly being supernaturally drawn to the Latin celebration. If there are Bishops who abused their Authority to mandate the Latin rite and Latin over local languages, shouldn't the appropriate response be to discipline those Bishops rather than suppress a long held and valid Latin rite tradition? I don't know what to make of the whole situation just yet, but it seems like I'm going to have to do a deep study of Vatican II and the writings of popes JP2 and Benedict to get to the bottom of this....on top of re-catechizing myself, bible study, CCC study, reading up on the writings of the Church fathers. Many fun years await!


The NO was made for Boomers. It isn’t timeless at all. The music sucks, the readings are boring, and it feels like a Protestant mass.


I fully agree with you Michael, Pope Francis does give a good reason for restricting the TLM, but his solution throws the baby out with the bathwater. The Holy Father's approach is typical of modern organizations, whether they be Churches, schools, businesses, nations, etc. Those in charge of making and enforcing policy prefer to just blanket prohibit a thing rather than dealing with the root issue. The problem that I see in our church is that Pope Francis doesn't have the courage to correct error in his Bishops, and Bishops are afraid to correct error in their priests, and priests don't have the fortitude to correct the laity. Each level has their own reasons why they don't act, but because they don't act, they're creating the schism when faithful Catholics lose trust in their priests.


I wish TLM was an option in my diocese, it would be nice to attend a mass like my grandparents and everyone before them for 1000 years attended.


One big problem i find is that the way he approached the problem was super radical, but when there is a problem from the big amount of liberals there is no action. Michael, could you comment on the problem of the world youth day? Regarding the promotion of the agenda of the onu 2030, I myself have been thinking about going but that is something that stops my from wanting to go


No where in the Vatican II Council was it said to switch to the Novus Ordo. That was sone after the Council ended. Bugnini invented tie Novus Ordo in 1970 and foisted it on the Churcl. Historical fact


My former diocese has and had tons of liturgical abuses. You don't normally see than in a byzantine or latin mass parish so I just go to those.


Of course the TLM is "better" than the Novus Ordo, just as a Pontifical High Mass is "better" than a low TLM mass, just as it is "better" to receive the Eucharist directly from consecrated hands than it is from a laywoman. All of these novelties--female altar boys, reception in the hand, lay lectors, etc.--are only EXCEPTIONS granted by the bishop. Cannon Law is very clear about this, and yet some how, the Novus Ordo has turned these allowances into a new normal. If you really believe in the transubstantiation, why would you let a single particle of Our Lord remain on the hands of the laity? Of course, all of these things are valid, but that does not make them prudent, and anyone who understands all the nuances involved as the right to avoid these abuses at all costs as a matter of justice. On both sides, there are too many uneducated people making declarations about right or wrong. Even YOU are doing that, by not deferring to your Bishop on this matter. Thankfully, my Bishop has stated that TLM-goers are NOT schismatics, nor do they "reject VII, " and allowed the numerous TLMs to continue, including the Dominican Rite TLM, FSSP, and all the Diocesan ones as well. In fact, he said a Pontifical High Mass in the Tridentine Form a few months after Traditiones Custodes was released.


Pope Benedict XVI was fully aware of the radical traditionalist objections to Vatican 2 and the postconciliar liturgical reforms, and yet that didn’t stop him from issuing Summorum
Pontificum. What developed in the years since the issuing of SP that motivated Pope Francis to restrict the use of the 1962 MR?


The problem with Latin Mass proponents is that they tend towards ecclesial and liturgical elitism to the extent that SSPX formed its own order; named its own bishops and still tosses around terms like "tradtional, orthodox and holy; high/low Mass" and only adheres to the Vatican when it suits them!!!


I think you gave a fair view. Note, i am a Traditionalist, but not a Radical Traditionalist. I feel in God’s presence at the Extraordinary Mass. I have not met a Radical Traditional Catholic in person. BUT i have seen on YouTube many Radical Traditionalist and those from the post Vatican II Church. Yo! These two radical opposing groups modern and traditionalist are just trying to make money. At my very large Traditional Oratory we all respectful of the Pope. We pray for him. After Mass we have donuts and coffee i ain’t heard one person “bad mouth” the Pope. So reality is, it is social media that has blown this out of proportion. So let’s be fair, the Radical Traditional people on social media is equal to the same for the post Vatican II. Heck i see both side negatives in the comments here. Open your eyes people. Heck read the pinned post here, that is a modern post Vatican II responder. Can’t be blind people. Well the devil can blind you.
