105-Python - Directory File Search & Verify

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This routine is the skeleton for searching directories for files (wild cards * and ? allowed) and verifying a file exists before opening it for read.

This is part of a folder (a little library) of small bits of tested code that work. Things like file I/O, interrupts, GPIO definitions, print examples, etc. I don't have to re-invent the wheel every time I write a program. I can go to that folder, copy the pieces I need and be done with my program quickly and with less thrashing.

- Library folder

PYTHON SOFTWARE LIBRARY (grouped by type and listed in order of difficulty)
001-Python Library of Tips & Tricks

103-Python-File Read

104-Python (Text) File Write

105-Python - Directory File Search & Verify

110-Python-Floating Point Accuracy

120-Python - Format Numbers

130-Python - Simple Print Formatting

140-Python - if, elif, else & CASE?

201-Python - 2D Array Example

202-Python - 3D Array Example

210-Python - Get Multiple Variables With 1 Line of Input!

211-Python - Get Multiple Variables From 1 Lin - Split/Replace Complex

301-Python - Function, Simple

302-Python - Function, Complex

310-Python - Random Numbers (integer & float)

410-Python - Beep Sound

420-Python Music, Simple

430-Python Music, Advanced

500-Python - Graphics, Simple Circle Example

510-Python - Graphics, Line Example

520-Python - Graphics, Sine Wave Example 1

530-Python - Graphics, Sine Wave Example 2

540-Python - Graphics, Tiling / Tiles

550-Python - Graphics, Tic Tac Toe Grid

600-Python - Bubble Sort, Simple

601-Python - Bubble Sort, More Efficient

610-Python - File Sort

701-Python - Bit Shifting (needed for I2C stuff)

710-Python - Recursion
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