CRM Dashboard illustration Bootstrap 5 Admin Template with ui framework – CRMI

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The CRM Admin Dashboard HTML template can be used for CRM software. Overall, the dashboard UI Framework has a pretty minimal and neutral look but it is populated with useful elements and components. The different graphs and charts Widgets are well introduced and are ready to be prepared to interface with your data source.

The CRMi Dashboard Template dashboard that comes with Fully Responsive will help you quickly launch your project. Admin Dashboard is this stunning Bootstrap dashboard template you can use to build outstanding admins. Since the layout and all the elements are built and ready to use.

CRMi is a Fully Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin for Data, Reports, analytical & unique concepts and theories. The Dashboard shows how much your store sales were in the current month

Notification and Sales Volume are creative new features. You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets.

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