How Jesus handled rejection

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Dear pastor John I love you and I adore your way of preaching and your prayers I have been following your prayers from 1 week especially the rahila prayer... basically I'm a tailor so please kindly pray for my business and pray for my health and pain in my nose...and please pray for the following people: Alisha Jamshaid... she's an outstanding nurse but never seems to get her blessings something is blocking them and pray for Tabinda Jamshaid's hyper thyroid and my wife nasreen's cardiac issues
Pakistan city Lahore
My Best wishes for the future
Please do pray for me


This is so important to know. Focus on those who accepted you and be thankful for those who rejected you.


It bring me to tears how God in man form was rejected yet He loves us soo much, knowing without Him there is no life for He alone is the life giver. Oh God ooen our eyes to see Jesus our only Savior.


Vow! I am amazed at today's message on rejection. I have gone through bad experiences every where. Yet I praise God and give glory to God for His Son Jesus who loved me immensely and is great consolation. Now I keep trusting God and His Word. Thank you for this message because I can smile at the storms.


Not many pastors can say that. Salute!


I am not born here to be liked or not but to do my purpose 🔥🙏


Waiting for tomorrow like a child for a new gift 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Believe it or not, ñot all men of GOD can be free to say this truth to the body of Christ. I never ever heard many men of GOD allowing people to leave the church in peace when they're nolonger connected to fire of the man of God. Not all pastors like pastor John who can raise you and allow u to leave the church in peace and honour. He said we are "missionaries". It's not about the number of congregations but it's about who you changed and lead to the fullness of KINGDOM OF GOD. Some may grow up within years under a certain man of God and can be released to another ministry in peace.but still being a child of where he/she was raised. It's not about numbers in church service, but it's about how many are walking in right path. I'm not encouraging people to leave ministries going to another but when you feel like you're nolonger connected to the fire under that ministry, TALK TO THE MAN OF GOD immediately and he will help you. If he agrees you to leave then glory to GOD if he doesn't, glory to GOD too as long as he knows why he's allowing you to leave in peace and honour or stay in peace and honour , glory to GOD. I cried when pastor JOHN said don't hate those who leave the church, it's not all believers who are destined to be under one man of God in their whole life . Even on cars..The engine can be made in China and other body parts in germany. Not all man of God can allow people to leave the ministry going to another ministry in peace. But as a believer know who raised you and respect and honour where you was raised. That first church which raised you must be your mother church and keep that relationship and support that ministry nomatter what. FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST IS ONE .Thumbs up Pastor John 💜🙏🙏


You don't focus on those who reject you.
Focus on those who accept you. And be more thankful for those who rejected you.Because they are helping you to overcome rejection. Proclaim what God has called you to proclaim. Amen👍🏻🇮🇳❤


This is a timely word for me MOG. God bless you for obeying and releasing this word.


Before meeting Jesus Christ, I was rejected by my own Blood family, and hated them, since birth, controled by a spirit, and then I met Jesus.7yrs old and Asked God for the Last time why HE put me with that family, because HE asked me if I knew how much that HE loved me, I said oh yes, HE said I want you to LOVE them Like I Love You ❤️❤️❤️ found my purpose!
No more Hate and murdering spirit but a new ❤️ of compassion, because HE first Loved me!!! Thank You GOD 😂


Amen Amen Amen Amen
Just rescue me in time


Praised Yahweh, This is really a good messege🙏💜


Hi people of God, I look for a accommodation, I want to come to the church from Namibia for three people please


About tomorrow's service, can it be broadcasted like in a meeting it will show people's presence....while on youtube, it just show number of people


A omnipresent God never forsook his only begotten son only because if his father forsook him, he wouldn't have committed his spirit into the father's hands. The father was there. This statement in our modern bible is an error. Also, Jesus was already given as a spiritual sacrifice before the foundation of the world. THINK! If GOD is everywhere omnipresent, always present and all knowing, knowing all things, seeing everything.
The truth is that.
Jesus said "Father Father, for this cause was I spared."
Yeshua knew that he was spared from the garden of Gethsemane when he wanted the cup to pass away from him. He did not want to quit but through his prayer of intercession, travailing and sweating blood he felt the pain and the agony from his body, but his spirit wasn't in pain nor his soul. He knew his betrayal was near. He even asked the disciples to try and remain awake to tarry in prayer, but they rather slept.

Matthew 27:45 and 46 read, “Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” And we know that this last verse actually says, in Aramaic Hebrew, “My God, my God, for this cause was I spared.” He was spared from dying in the Garden of Gethsemane so that He could go on to the Cross for the redemption of mankind. He drank every last drop of His Cup and then gave a triumphant shout, “It is finished!” Luke 23:45, 46 say: “And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.” The Father did not just reach in and grab Jesus’ Spirit. No, the Son gave it into His Hands.
This is proof that the Father was there with Him at the Cross. Jesus said, in so many words, “I have finished drinking the dregs of my Cup, and now I am going to do something else.” In another Scripture, He said that He would lay His Life down and He would pick it up again. So, He laid His Body in the grave and sent His Soul to Death and Hell. He went in our place; He died in our place.

Jesus prayed that He would not die in the Garden but live so that He could drink the Cup. He said, in so many words, “Father, if You want to change that Cup, it is Your business, not mine. Not my raw-tsone Will, but Your raw-tsone Will be done.” God strengthened Him, and He stood up and picked up the Cup and kept drinking from it. When He hung on the Cross, He knew that there were a few more drops in it. He said, “I thirst until I drink the last drop that You have for Me to drink.” Thank You, Jesus. Blessed be His Name. He is Great; He is Good; He is Gracious. It will not be long before we get to go be with the LORD. We are almost home. Nothing matters except getting ready to get out of here. Blessed be the Name of the LORD. A few minutes later, Jesus said, “It is finished.” Did you ever wonder what Jesus meant when He said, “It is finished?” He was saying, “I have finished drinking the Cup.” He was ready to move on to the next phase.
Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me (Matthew 27:45-46)
Aramaic, which is just another form of Hebrew. There are several chapters in Jeremiah that are written in Aramaic. The English translation of what Jesus said while He hung on the Cross has never made any sense to me. The English translation reads, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” If the Father had forsaken Jesus, how could Jesus have talked to Him when He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do?” Also, when Jesus was ready to give up the Ghost and lay down His Life, He delivered His Spirit into the Father’s Hands. How could Jesus do that if the Father had forsaken Him and was not there? In order for the Father to forsake His Son, He would have to cease being Omnipresent. An Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Infinite, Divine, Almighty God cannot cease being God Is. Three Aramaic letters were lost in our English translation, but when it is written as it is supposed to be written, it says, “My God, my God, for this cause was I spared.” (Dr. Lamsa’s Bible translation) Jesus’ Voice was a Voice of triumph that said, in so many words, “I did not die in the Garden. You healed Me. You raised Me up so that I could go on and die on the Cross. I am here to give my Blood for all mankind! I was spared in the Garden, and I was spared for the Cross so that I could drink every drop that was in the Cup. I just drank it! I was spared today. My Father’s Dew was inside Me, enabling Me to make it through the Garden, and make it through paying the full price for mankind on the Cross.” He drank every drop that was in the Cup and then screamed a triumphant Eternal Voice of Victory, “My God, My God, for this cause was I spared.” We are ignorant. God is so good.
Let us go to Luke, chapter twenty-three, verse forty-five and forty-six. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. (Luke 23:45-46)
Jesus said, “Father, into Thy Hands I commend my Spirit.” How could the Father have established the salvation and reconciliation of sinful man to God, without His joint ministry with the Son? Jesus could not have made it on the Cross without His Father being within Him and His Father being without Him. Beloved, never forget that the Father is within and without you, and you have Jesus within you. We have exactly what Jesus said on the Cross. Blessed be the Name of the LORD. Rev. B.R.H.
