The Greatest Show | OC Animatic

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oh wow it's been forever since I've uploaded huh, and wow something not fandom related for once hh.
i just really wanna establish my OC's here huehue.
The character's name btw
Guy singing - Nyx
Black eyed boy - Lyner
Guy with a square glasses - Mir
Irisless guy - Jet
Smol fluffy girl - Kay-Ren
If you guys want to know more about them just visit my social medias huehue VV

Song used!!!: The Greatest Show
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*Some context, cause let's admit it some of you are so confused:*

- Nyx is salty because Lyner's mom came to his quiet, tourist destination planet and basically destroyed it and the people inside it except him.

So he's out for revenge. A phrase here which means 'kill everything she loves', and the pendant that Lyner is wearing (which I'll get into later) is definitely is bonus.

If you're wondering what's the deal with his smoke, it's because his planet was known for specializing in herbs, but yeah, now that everyone's gone, _might as well get his enemies high and murder them while they're in their drug-induced euphoria._

- Kay-Ren used to be a construction worker, she's got insane strength skills, which explains why she can tackle two people without breaking a sweat.

Her fam is currently missing. Upon first meeting, she and Lenna had a fight each other, and she _almost_ won. Kay would have squished dearest Lenna under a boulder if Mr. Lenna's dad hadn't interfered (that's good, otherwise we'd have no Lyner, and no Lyner means sadness). He managed to convince her to not kill his daughter and instead work for them, thus becoming Lenna's first servant.

- Mir is Lyner's partner. Initially, he tried to assassinate Lyner (because of his mom) and start an uprising against his family, but eventually they fall in love because Lyner is one adorable bean. Also, they have unique bedroom activities which we will _not_ get into.

- Jet is... Jet. I didn't get much info on him, but I guess he cooks food and drinks alcohol. (Update: alright, so he used to be in the mafia, really messed up big-time by making leader's daughter pregnant and gets imprisoned. Lenna gets him out, and in exchange for his services, he asks her to destroy his planet, which is why he feels guilty and likes drinking to wash away the depression brought by requesting an inhuman creature to destroy your home planet. Fun stuff.)

- Lyner is the son of Lenna. Why is he not like his murderer of a mother who goes around slaughtering innocents in the name of peace?

(Look, I'm just mad she had to make Nyx go evil, like what's a herb planet gonna do? Drug everyone up and then slaughter them--- hey, hey wait a minute...)

That's cause she's usually away where her duty calls her, and he spent a lot of time with his wonderful father, Hansel, who taught him the wonders of kindness, which is why Mir fell in love with him. Instead of finding a mini Lenna, he finds a sweet boy who did nothing wrong.

- The people we see in Lyner's vision is his family: Lenna (or Lena, the older posts spelled it that way), aka lady with the wings, Hansel, aka man with horns, and his sister is Aggie, aka the younger girl with the horns.

- The pendant is a family heirloom in Lyner's family, and it's passed down on their child. It has to be given to them right after their born though, otherwise it doesn't work. It's usually given to the firstborn child.

The pendant grants its wearer immortality, immunity, super strength, and cosmic power.

There are only two pendants. Their origins are unknown to Lyner.

If you take the pendant away from the wearer, it will lose all senses and control, and it will do everything to get a replacement. If it doesn't get one, it will disintegrate and die.

- In Lenna's defense, she only wants peace in the universe and she has to do unsavoury things to get there, but eh, I'm still mad at her.

So yeah. I've only seen this animatic today... and I've rewatched it for more than I'd like to admit. The characters are cute as heck (Lyner screams in a distance), and the story's got me intrigued.

All info comes from Lazy Eule's Tumblr, if I'm wrong at some parts, feel free to correct me. This animatic is gonna blow up. Anyways, wow, this was fun.

Thanks for making this, Lazy!

Edit: _now here's more character intros and my theories in case you want to explore more of this lovely stuff, it's very, and I mean very lengthy tho, and if you read the top, you have your basics covered already_

- Mr. Lenna's Dad was the previous holder of Lyner's pendant. He has to be pretty persuasive to talk down a strong, angry 'about-to-murder-someone' midget.

Mr. Lenna's Dad was an intimidating ruler, and that's where Lenna follows, although she's softened up a bit because of Hansel.

Notice the past tense? Yeah, Mr. Lenna's Dad is dead.

'How can you know, stranger?' you may ask, and let me tell you why.

Remember the rule with the pendants? Yeah. I wanted to tell you not to worry, and that he probably died of natural causes because I didn't want to peg Lenna to be as heartless enough to forcefully take the pendant from her old pops and watch him disintegrate.

And I realized.

Pendant grants immortality.


So... you can just imagine what happens behind the scenes... I imagine Lenna just going to her father like, "I'm sorry dad, I love you and all, but I'm gonna give birth to my firstborn child, and he'll be needing that, " and then proceeds to yank the pendant out.

- And here's where my guesswork comes in based off snippets I know.

Lenna's still kicking and alive somewhere. Nyx doesn't want her to be alive, but what can he do? She has a freaky pendant that makes her unkillable and unstoppable. There's only two pendants in the whole universe, one's with Lenna and the other's with...

Her son.

So sneaky little Nyx hatched a plan to garner the attention of Lyner and Co., Nothing too big, otherwise Mother would come. No, he only needed Lyner's pendant. Plus, it's easier for him to take a pendant from less experienced Lyner compared to Mrs. Pacifistic Murderer.

I'm not too sure if he knows how the whole transferring of pendant works, but if he does know, then I can assume his plan goes somewhere along the lines of:

a) forcibly take Lyner's pendant, hope Lyner doesn't kill him in the process, escape, and relish in Lenna's grief as he takes away her only son


b) drug up Lyner, make _Lyner_ fight against his mother, which will be harder for Lenna since it's her own son she's fighting, so she'll hold back more, increasing drugged Lyner's chance of winning. If Lyner wins, then great! If Lenna wins, then he should start digging his own grave. However, even if they both die in the process (which I doubt, it's not gonna be _that_ kind of story), it's all great for Nyx cause he killed two birds with one stone.

Plan b didn't work out as well as he thought because Lyner brought his friends, and as we all know, the power of friendship saves the day.

If Nyx is smart, he would have had a backup plan besides 'smoking and making people dance'. Either he escapes, or Lyner manages to capture him, and they win.

Since he had Kay-Ren under his mind magic, he can hold her hostage in order to make Lyner cooperate, yada-yada, you know how it goes.

- On that note! I also have another theory. It sounds far-fetched but hear me out.

You see the thing that killed Mir and Lyner's family in Lyner's nightmare? I think that's some juicy foreshadowing.

If you pause at the right moments when monster big mouth comes up, you can notice a few striking details such as:

The monster's ears. It has that unique design I've only ever seen in Lyner's family. So, we've established that monster is his relative (of course, it can be "just a coincidence", but it seems very unlikely that this slipped Lazy's attention).

Also, notice the collar. That's where they always put the pendant (see: Mr. Lenna's Dad, Lenna, and Lyner). Monster is glowing the same glow as pendant, but has no pendant. You can see that the tie is undone, no glowing stone, and monster is looking unhinged.

I tried counting the corpses by the monster's feet but it's hard to tell if there really are three corpses or two.

Anyways, it's possible that Lenna loses her pendant (probably due to Nyx), goes crazy, and it's a battle between Lyner and his mom, kind of like my other idea, only this time, the other way around.

It's also possible that Lenna dies, someone else gets her pendant, but that doesn't make sense if you have to take into account that the pendant can only be transferred at birth, unless Lenna's been missing for an extremely long amount of time (and I doubt that since Aggie's young, and monster looks considerably older).

My problem with "Lenna is monster in Lyner's vision" is that the monster isn't wearing what Lenna wears, and Lazy's depiction of a crazy ex-pendant holder is more uncontrollable tentacle teethy (... you get what I mean) and less smug smile, "hi there, I killed your loved ones, now it's your turn to die."

Maybe the "someone got Lenna's pendant" theory works if we see another character with those defining Voxelle ears, and if they found a way through the "must be transferred at birth" issue (doesn't explain the loose collar but my brain is running on coffee fumes, and I need sleep, but I procrastinated, so here I am).

Edit: It just occurred to me that it is possible that another pendant-wielder could exist in the universe, after all it is a big place. Whose to say there aren't any other pendants? All we have is info _from_ Lyner's family. Maybe a Voxelle, but distantly related from Lyner's family. It would make sense with these inconsistencies. About the corpses, if we're being considerate with the shapes, I guess we can count the the 'flat pointy thing' as Lenna.

Note that none of these are confirmed. I'm just guessing how things turn out, and this is becoming more of a ramble than anything.

Thanks for reading this essay, until next time on 'holy crap, how long is this comment?'

Edit Edit: Apologies for the word vomit, haha, especially to those who read through the whole thing.


'whats this button do?"

"oh im gay now"


lyner: I know a guy that has mind control, but hes in a different nation
jet: what nation
lyner: halluci-nation


I never thought of this as a villain song. I like it.


Nyx: hmmm i wonder what is the best way to get revenge for my whole planet’s ah yes... dance party


Moral: *Meth has no effect on short people*


I might turn straight for this man


Can we just please admire the fact that Nyx can walk down stairs, dance and almost kill a bunch of people in HIGH HEELS i can’t even stand up on them half the time


Full summary of this animatic:
Some space fairing kiss-bois and their mom confront the bisexual vape god.
The End


Me to the literal villain: Take me! I'm open! Please! Take me!


imagine not being affected by the bad guy because ur literally too short


Lyner’s Mom was really like: let’s destroy this guy’s planet, what’s he gonna do? Get my son and his friends high and try and kill them?


How to survive anything:
Be half the height of your average-sized friends, thus half the height of the villain


*I’m so confused but I love it, I love every bit of this*


advantages of being short:
- take anyone down by tackling their legs
- undetected for miles
- can talk to smol animals
- *mind control cant touch you*


if that isn’t nyx’s canon voice i am gonna throw hands


I know this animation was meant to be serious and actually show some conflict with the characters but my god each of Nyx dance moves where so passionate and attractive. I seriously love this character, his design is perfect.


Him- "Ladies and Gents this is the moment you've been waitin for"

Me, someone who has seen this exact animatic almost 10 times, and is somehow so intrigued and loves these characters and the animation in general- *heavy breathing*


0:27 imagine if he triped right then and there


Me, after watching the “ I know I’m a wolf” animatic: DONT TAKE IT OFF-
