SUPER WITCH DRUID after the NERF are INSANE with this TRICK (Clash of Clans)

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SUPER WITCH DRUID after the NERF are INSANE with this TRICK (Clash of Clans)

#coc #clashofclans #itzu

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its not the druid nerf that pissed off most people, its the timing of it.... the day cwl starts, with almost no i know alot of folks that put all there ore into druid/witch or druid titan. its just not a good look on supercell again.


Whenever I find a decent attack and start enjoying the game again (TH15 was a nightmare), SuperCell decides to nerf my troops. This cycle keeps repeating itself. Step 1. Introduce a new troop or Buff an older Troop. Step 2. Watch the user acceptance blow up. Step 3. Nerf it. Step 4. Nerf it. Step 5 - Step 8. Nerf it to the point of uselessness. Step 9. get ITZU and other creators to tell me "Oh it's not that bad", here's a great new attack that works. Do you understand how much brain power and strategy goes into an ITZU attack? I'm a casual player trying to enjoy the game, but the one's in charge keep trying to shut me out.


i replaced the druids with healers like the old fashioned fireball super witches, it works great.


Trust the process my fellow used the same army for 2 days in legends...the army before did 13 97% and one 92%. I obviously felt the difference in 'power' of the attack....but talking about the hit rate..I think it is just as it was. I am saying this after 2 legend days and 16 attacks.😙


My Super Witches Instantly Going Down And Druids Are Fastly converting into Bear. What I Have To Do Brother?


For Mega Tank you should have used the Golem Skin Lol


After testing the nerfed druids came to conclusion that they arent viable for average players anymore...even after you showcased how to use them properly...i agree witch the fact they had to be nerfed but this is too much


I guess the spamming of druid have turned into strategic deployment based on the situation rather spamming. This helps the player to be aware of what is happening on the attack rather than just spamming across. I can see players who are literally just spamming even without funneling now those people will suffer for sure.


I was personally using 4 healers and 4 druids in my army, it really helps to get high value fireball with safe warden walk for like 20 secs .Also you can just send in your 4 druids once your troops reach the core because in the early stages of the atck healers will do what is needed without much supervision . Even though there is frame rate diff between with druid and healers that affect their healing, it is soo negligible cause healers cover for the druids because they heal for all 3mins


That ending rant made me respect ITzu even more. Too many people are crybabies and haven't even experienced the changes yet.


I have one question about the EQ boots. Background, I am and old-school player who was gone from the game for 5 years so I am really behind on everything now, especially hero eq. I rushed to TH14 to get to play this comp. For my BK I run gauntlet + rage and got EQ lvl 1... Granted I am behind on all equipment I am not sure I should jump ship on my current BK setup? Literally every content creator says EQ boots are meta now so I am tempted. But when I play, I feel I really don't need them. I have done billions of queen charge attacks back in the days and I am really comfortable with pathing, I never really ever get stuck on walls. Wallbreakers and 1 jump gets the job done for me. But is the damage from the EQ boots alone sufficient to swap out the rage vial? Really torn here....

On topic, really liked the nerf, the comp was broken before. I was smashing TH16s as a TH14. Now it feels more appropriate but still insanely good. I did my first CWL hit today since nerf, tripled a max TH15, although a very favorable layout for druids.


So you recommend this over staying with spikey and just playing the attack a bit smarter?


I have been using the same army before and after nerf. Not much difference. The two difference I found is now i can't just spam my rage and it has to be on point. Second, I did not have to use my CC rage spell that often but after the nerf it has become kind of compulsory.


Hey itzu love the videos! Quick question tho what are you personally using to push in legends this month?


Today i attcked a base in cwl that had lots of defances in the core. I used even 5 druids even raged them and my wiches died anyway. This strategy is dead, yes you can 3 star some bases but by percentage i would say 50 attacks from 100 will be 2 stars or even 1.


I'm using 4 healer 4 druid now, works great


For this army should I go for 2 freezes or 1 overgrowth?


Sup Itzu, I just wanted to bring a strange situation that happened to one of my accounts during CWL. It was “three star” but when I watched the replay, the person who attacked my base only two star it with 58% but the attack still was seen as “three star” on the war tab. This also happened to anyone else? I watched the replay like 3 times and he never three starred me but my base was three star on the war tab. Come see for yourself if you don’t believe me. Must be a glitch but it’s stealing our potential wins from CWL.


The fact is that they did a massive nerf... -50% on the bear mode, -40% on the healing and 5 seconds reduction time in the druid mode, seems a lot. they have obviusly more data to watch and decide how much nerf a troop but i would actually liked a smaller nerf to getting started. Then after the CWL do precisely what's need to be done with the new data you collected


Somehow got triple in my first cwl day hoping to do others good as well
