History of Large Language Models, Trustworthy AI, ChatGPT & more | Dr. Anupam Datta

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Anupam is the co-founder and President of TruEra and prior to that he was a Professor at Carneige Mellon University for 15 years. TruEra provides AI solutions that help enterprises use machine learning, improve and monitor model quality, and build trust. His research and other efforts are focused on privacy, fairness and building trustworthy machine learning models. He holds a PhD in computer science from Stanford University and Bachelor’s degree in same from IIT Kharagpur in India.

Time stamps of the conversation
00:50 Introductions
01:45 Background and TruEra
05:30 Trustworthy AI
11:55 Validating Large models in real world
16:15 History of NLP and large language models
29:25 Opportunities and challenges with ChatGPT
36:52 Evaluating reliability of ChatGPT
39:10 Existing tools that aide explainability
43:12 AI trends to look for in 2023

More about Dr. Datta

About the Host:
Jay is a PhD student at Arizona State University.

Stay tuned for upcoming webinars!

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