55 - Spark RDD - PairRDD - Distinct
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Chapter 10 - Spark RDD - PairRDD - Distinct
While most Spark operations work on RDDs containing any type of objects, a few special operations are only available on RDDs of key-value pairs. The most common ones are distributed "shuffle" operations, such as grouping or aggregating the elements by a key.
In Java, key-value pairs are represented using the scala.Tuple2 class from the Scala standard library. We can simply call new Tuple2(a, b) to create a tuple, and access its fields later with tuple._1() and tuple._2().
RDDs of key-value pairs are represented by the JavaPairRDD class. We can construct JavaPairRDD from JavaRDD using special versions of the map operations, like mapToPair and flatMapToPair. The JavaPairRDD will have both standard RDD functions and special key-value ones.
One big difference between a Java Map and Spark's JavaPairRDD is that Map should contain unique keys but JavaPairRDD can have duplicate keys.
For example, the following code uses the reduceByKey operation on key-value pairs to count how many times each line of text occurs in a file:
When using custom objects as the key in key-value pair operations, we must be sure that a custom equals() method is accompanied by a matching hashCode() method.
#java #javadevelopers #javaprogramming #apachespark #spark
Chapter 10 - Spark RDD - PairRDD - Distinct
While most Spark operations work on RDDs containing any type of objects, a few special operations are only available on RDDs of key-value pairs. The most common ones are distributed "shuffle" operations, such as grouping or aggregating the elements by a key.
In Java, key-value pairs are represented using the scala.Tuple2 class from the Scala standard library. We can simply call new Tuple2(a, b) to create a tuple, and access its fields later with tuple._1() and tuple._2().
RDDs of key-value pairs are represented by the JavaPairRDD class. We can construct JavaPairRDD from JavaRDD using special versions of the map operations, like mapToPair and flatMapToPair. The JavaPairRDD will have both standard RDD functions and special key-value ones.
One big difference between a Java Map and Spark's JavaPairRDD is that Map should contain unique keys but JavaPairRDD can have duplicate keys.
For example, the following code uses the reduceByKey operation on key-value pairs to count how many times each line of text occurs in a file:
When using custom objects as the key in key-value pair operations, we must be sure that a custom equals() method is accompanied by a matching hashCode() method.
#java #javadevelopers #javaprogramming #apachespark #spark