Validity of Catholic Sacraments

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I actually came to a similar conclusion. I attended a few Lutheran liturgies in my university city here in Sweden, where the church is filled with people trying to be as good Christians as possible even in a country where religiosity is an anomaly and ridiculed at all times. Lutherans believe in the real presence of Christ in the eucharist and the priest prayed with a lot of reverence for the Holy Spirit to descend and for Christ to make the bread and wine body and blood. While I am in no way Lutheran I started thinking why Christ would deny these people who seek him salvation. These elderly who have attended church every single Sunday since their youth and kept their prayers and hoped for Christ, I don't think he would deny them to enter their hearts. Now the Swedish Lutheran Church has gone very corrupt and is basically ruled by political parties, but there are some traditionalists and especially the emerging youth of the Church are traditionalists who reject these waves of modernism.


Sorry for your family loss, know her soul and your family will be in my prayers.


Good answer, Bojan. We must discern the Body of Christ and receive Holy Communion as part of a Holy Community.
Memory Eternal, Vesna. ☦️


Now that I decided I want to convert to Orthodoxy, I have started to visit parishes and talk to priests so that I may find a spiritual father to guide me. Thus, my journey led me to a priest that basically just ranted about the dangers of ecumenism for 20 minutes and how Catholics are Arianistic pagans and low-key hinted at all my family burning in Hell. But I was not deterred by this, as I knew that the good Lord has revealed the Truth of Orthodoxy to me not as a final solution but as a journey, and I am ready to face whatever test He may throw my way.

Do not listen to those that would rather slander and push politics and old bitterness before serving our Lord. Do not think less of yourself as a Christian if you are Catholic. I have left Catholicism but that doesn't mean that I would ever dare to call Catholics anything other than basically orthodox christians misguided by medieval political ambitions. We are all the Children of God, and brothers in Christ.


I find that a lot of Orthodox doubt the validity of Catholic sacraments, yet the feelings aren't mutual on the Catholic side.


Best wishes and due sympathies for your family loss. I'll keep you and your family in my prayer this week.

I want to thank you for your channel and your continued dialogue, if you would call it that, between us the viewers and you and your love of the faith. I'm a Catholic seminarian, and I first found you when you discussed the differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and since then, I've been hooked.

I know several seminarians in my seminary that would rather talk down to Protestants and Jews rather than try to learn more about them. As you said with a 'monopoly of grace', unfortunately it is believed by some that this makes us superior for having attained what wisdom we have, rather than viewing it as a gift we have been given in order to share with the world.

I wish you all the best in the world, and if God willing I become a priest, I will keep Christians such as you that bring joy to people through your talents, both verbal and artistic in my prayers and intentions. Pax.


Someday that poor soul may have to pass through the Toll-Houses. At #16, the demon will ask him, "N, did you spoil the ending of Game of Thrones?"
N: "Yes, but...but... isn't this the Toll-House for Lust?"
Demon: "why yes, it is. You see, in order to spoil Game of Thrones, you had to have watched it first."

(Not judging people who like the show. I used to like American Horror Story, until I realized it was essentially torture porn. I turned it off and ran to Confession.)


Honest question. Why is it NOT a problem that the answer to a question this big "depends" in the Orthodox Church? In the Roman Catholic Church, it's established. It's done. No debate. Ortho sacraments are valid. Apostolic succession-valid. Just illicit. Why would there be varying answers to questions like this, birth control, and rebaptism? Thanks.


Eternal Memory for Vesna, but it must be nice that in some areas where Orthodoxy is as rare as hens teeth and, in an emergency you could go to confession to a Catholic priest and later, if you feel compelled when you have access to an Orthodox priest to reconfess if you feel it necessary. In the Russian Gulags many bi-ritual Latin priests performed confessions, liturgies and moleibens for the Orthodox since there were no Orthodox priests available.


Chesterton said that there was a special place in hell for malicious spoilers of exiting stories.


Bojan gave correct answer. At my own Catholic Church, at meetings, gatherings, lectures, book signing, feeding, shop sales for mission funds, etc there is an amazing number of people (this is America) who will shop the limits and bounce from church to church with the intent announced to everyone they are looking for the perfect church community, or they will volunteer their experience here or there in light of how women are respected. Etc. Attending a church faithfully is the act of honoring your fellow Christians right in front of you and bringing your neighbors to Christ by your presence. This is diminished if one hollows out each gathering.


Memory eternal Vesna!
Vjecnaja pamjat Vesna!


I’ve never seen GoT but pretty much know the whole plot of the last season due to what I’ve seen on Twitter. I’m sorry someone spoiled it for you! I was fortunate enough to see Endgame before it was spoiled for me. I’ll say a prayer for your departed friend


It’s a family fued between Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodoxy, Anglican, etc.


If I am not mistaken Lutherans don't bevel in the real presence in the Eucharist so they dont ask for communion they just hand out bread and wine as a symbol. maybe that is an over generalization of all protestants, but I think I am right.


there are orthodox churches that receive Catholics by confession, and don't reordain catholic priests, what would happen if those ex Catholics went to a jurisdiction which does re baptise and reordain? and if they would allow them to take communion and concelebrate then why do they themselves re baptise and reordain?


Dear Favorite Serb of mine,

How do you consolidate your faith and entertainment like Game of Thrones? Coming from someone who couldn't himself after coming back to the church.


I remembered! One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church


sorry for your loss, i will make sure to pray for her


There is a canonic law, im not sure If still valid but It say that a catholic is allowed to take eucharist in the orthodox church If there is no catholic church in the city, and orthodox can take eucharist in a catholic church If there is no orthodox church in the city.

Both churches reconize the presence of Christ in the eucharist of one another.
