Would my fundal height be affected by the baby dropping?

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You mentioned that you're 33 weeks along, you went to your doctor's appointment, and the fundal height (or measurement from your pubic bone to the top of the uterus) was the same at 33 weeks as it was at 31 weeks, and you're wondering if this could possibly be affected by the fact that it feels like your baby has dropped. Even if the baby were to drop a little bit in your pelvis, it shouldn't affect your fundal height, because that's affected by the baby's growth, and the baby should be growing from week to week. The fundal height should match your gestational age in centimeters, so at 33 weeks, you should be about 33 centimeters. So your doctor will likely keep an eye on it, and if your belly is still the same size at your next appointment, they'll probably recommend an ultrasound which will check the actual size of the baby. And then if the baby is measuring small, then they'll consider causes for that and decide if intervention is necessary.

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