Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 6 Breakdown & Things You Missed

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The Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 1 - Episode 8 Finale

Covering Full Lord of the Rings The Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 6 Breakdown and Easter Eggs. The Balrog Returns, Sauron creates the Nine rings of power for Men, Sauron Backstory after Morgoth, Morgoth Crown Powers, Earendil, Silmarils Lord Of The Rings History and Lore. Adar Orc History Explained. Rings Of Prime Season 2 Trailer Easter Eggs, Sauron Creates The One Ring of Power. The War of the Ring, the other Rings of Power. Galadriel and The Elves Create The Three Elven Rings Of Power, Sauron creating The One Ring Of Power at Mount Doom, the Human Rings of Power and The Dwarven Rings of Power.

Sauron vs Adar, The Numenoreans, Isildur Returns. The Downfall of Numenor. New Morgoth Sauron History Explained. Why Sauron wanted to Conquer Middle Earth. And Sauron's relationship with the other Maiar, Valar and Eru Iluvitar God. Galadriel and Sauron.

The Stranger, Meteor Man and The Istar Wizards Explained. He's not Gandalf or Sauruman. The Blue Wizards Explained. And Season 2 Plot. Adar Backstory and Sauron vs Adar and Grand Plan for Mordor. Rings Of Power Episode 7 Trailer and Rings of Power Ending Finale. What Happened To Sauron Explained. Halbrand vs Adar. Galadriel and Adar Elves Explained. Elrond History, The Silmarils and Origin of Mithril. Origin of The Balrog.

Origin Of Orcs Explained. How Morgoth Created Orcs from the Original Elves. And why Adar is the Orcs Father. Adar and Sauron Contingency Plan. Mordor Explained. Mithril and The Balrog Easter Eggs.

The One Ring. Lord of the Rings Movies Easter Eggs, Fellowship of the Rings, Two Towers, Return of the King. The Hobbit Movies. Major Characters like Sauron, Galadriel, Elrond Explained. How they'll handle Gandalf and Hobbits. First Age War of Wrath, Morgoth Explained. Two Trees Explained and Galadriel History.

My Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 7 video will post next week!

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Sauron cuts his hand with a knife, then he gives a blackish substance to Celebrimbor and says its Mithril - but its Sauron’s blood that Celebrimbor adds to the elements of the Nine Rings.


This episode was the first time i truly felt like sauron is in absolute control and nothing can stop him he is going to devastate everything in his path and do it with a fake reasuring smile and love every minute of his deception.


Shout out to disa recreating the bat cave scene from batman begins 😂.


i think Adar fully knows that he is doing exactly as Sauron wants but doesnt give a shit about it since it might give him chance to try to kill Sauron again


The reason I started to like this show is because of Sauron’s actor. A phenomenal job. Definitely my favorite character! We must see this as something separate from Tolkien’s works and I think many more people would appreciate it.


I thought they kept it book accurate with the dwarfs rings not under saurons total influence… king duran told him no because hes not following sauron. Those are his owns desires, the ring is jus making him give in to his dark desires! Jus like every other ring at its core!


It actually baffles me how much hate this show gets. Can’t wait for next episode!


Sexy Sauron for the win!!! Charlie Vickers has been completely amazing as Sauron!


Wow they really turned around Halbrand/Sauron compared to the first season. Eregion plot line has been to best so far this season. Much better than the first season.


I think Adar knows exactly what he’s doing. When Galadriel warns him not take Sauron’s lure, Adar states that he will “make him choke on it” indicating he’s aware of Sauron’s game but he plans on using it against him (with force).


Gandalf spent his last remaining years on Middle Earth with Tom Bombadil in the Old Forest before he took the ship to the Undying Lands.


Man, they did Faenor dirty with that statue.


I am enjoying this season so far, looking better than the last. I would actually like to see a series going back to the beginning and battling Morgoth!


The Rings Do have an effect on dwarves; they make them greedier and angrier as the episode depicts. Sauron just cannot directly control them the way he does men without all 17 Rings in his possession, and with that, he may be able to influence even the elves.


Charlie love your lord of rings breakdown


Gandalf: This foe is beyond any of you.


The second season is so much better than season 1.


Although Eregion fell it should be noted that the forces of Sauron were utterly defeated driven all the way back to Mordor. Few, if any, Orcs made it back.


Morgoth near the end of his rule is probably a fair bit weaker than Sauron at full strength. Melkor expended almost all his energy on the infusion of evil into the fabric of Middle Earth. So Morgoth after that is to his original strength as Sauron at full strength is to him after losing the one ring to Isildur. Still pretty strong, but he wasn't even defeated by a Vala in the end, rather by a Maia like Sauron. (And Sauron at full strength is probably the strongest of all Maia)

On the subject of Adar being notably stupid at Galadriel's point of Sauron wanting him to attack Eregion, I think the point is that Sauron's influence over him is still present, even if Adar would seek to destroy him. They keep reinforcing the point that once someone has trusted Sauron, he will forever hold the puppet strings over them. That doesn't mean they cannot defy him, but it does mean that if he wishes to, he can pull the puppet strings by using their own desires to further his ends. This is likely somewhat supernatural, and is the basis for the power that Sauron would eventually imbue into the One Ring.


Great episode with Sauron name being mentioned in all of middle earth from the stranger, orcs and numernor
