Wild Polar Bear - Predator of Arctic Ocean | Ice Bears (2018 Documentary)

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The polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle encompassing the Arctic Ocean its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses.
Polar Bear
The Polar Bear is the largest carnivorous mammal on land and must hunt regularly to ensure that it is well-fed and maintains its insulating layer of fat to keep it warm. The skins and blubber of Ringed Seals make up the bulk of the Polar Bears' diet as they often leave the remaining meat which provides an important sources of food for other animals such as Arctic Foxes. Although Seals are their primary source of food Polar Bears also eat birds berries fish and Reindeer (particularly during the trickier summer months) along with the occasional Walrus. The carcasses from large marine mammals including Seals Walruses and even Whales also provide a regular food source for Polar Bears that are said to have such a good sense of smell that they are able to sniff them out from a considerable distance away. Polar Bears are also known to break into underground Seal dens to hunt the pups inside them
Polar Bear
The Polar Bear is the largest carnivorous mammal on land and must hunt regularly to ensure that it is well-fed and maintains its insulating layer of fat to keep it warm. The skins and blubber of Ringed Seals make up the bulk of the Polar Bears' diet as they often leave the remaining meat which provides an important sources of food for other animals such as Arctic Foxes. Although Seals are their primary source of food Polar Bears also eat birds berries fish and Reindeer (particularly during the trickier summer months) along with the occasional Walrus. The carcasses from large marine mammals including Seals Walruses and even Whales also provide a regular food source for Polar Bears that are said to have such a good sense of smell that they are able to sniff them out from a considerable distance away. Polar Bears are also known to break into underground Seal dens to hunt the pups inside them