How likely is a US-China war? Kevin Rudd on a new era Xi Jinping | DW News

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Kevin Rudd was Australia's former prime minister. And well before that career, he was and is an academic, a Sinologist, a specialist in China. With a PhD on Xi Jinping. He is also author of The Avoidable War, The Dangers of Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China. Paul Rudd worries that Beijing and the United States might clash in a hot war.

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I wish we had this type of reporting in the US


Kevin Rudd is my favourite pundit on the subject of China. An Australian former PM who’s studied and worked in China. One of the very few people from the Western bloc who’s actually familiar with Chinese culture, allowing him to give balanced perspectives on US-China relations.

Almost every other pundit is either a CCP mouthpiece, or a pro-US mouthpiece who’s never actually set foot in China.


Crystal clarity. I'm much better informed. Thank You Sir....and Thank You DW....


Impressively intelligent interviewer with a genuinely expert interviewee. What a refreshing change from usual media dross.


So great Germany has this station with this guest and this host to this topic!
Outstanding, very informative!
"Rundfunkgebühren" invested very well!


It all depends on the US Arm Industries. If war with China bring in more profits for them and more money for the US Lawmakers n their families pockets, Yes, there will be war. If the war wipe out all their industries or their earnings, and the US Lawmakers will lose all their kickbacks, no way will they start a war with China or Russia.


I have cited Kevin Rudd's articles and works in my post-graduate studies and academic papers. A very solid intellectual with evidence-based knowledge about China and a globally renowned Sino-ethnographic researcher.
Kudos my professor.


Mr. Rudd is a pleasure to listen to. Totally kept my attention. Danke sehr DW


I can't believe you guys invited Kevin Rudd to Germany! I think he had summed up the key points in the 20th Party Congress report for us audiences and defined the 2 era as a pivot point.


Kudos to the interviewer here for asking some solid questions.


Why do they say China is being aggressive? I haven't seen any aggressive action from China towards the US or the West.


Great interview revealing a lifetime of accumulated knowledge by a serious observer.


when it come to the US and war, the question is always not about whether the US can avoid war, but does the US want to avoid war?


Let's kneel and crawl every minute, and then feel the heart chanting: China, China, China


Excellent interview. Moderator asked the right questions, very professional. I think Kevin Rudd is the most insightful and analytical person of China at the moment. Also his statements are detailed and rich in information not given by the mainstream press.
Thank you DW. Germany‘s best programm.


Inevitable because an established power will always attack a rising power at a point of time to secure its position imposing it own interests on other


At the very least he replies to a question with a direct answer, immediately,


I´m impressed with his knowledge of languages and pronunciation. He pronounces Chinese names in a Chinese way, French names in a French way and "Deutsche Welle" in a German way :-)


China has never fought a war outside its own hemisphere in its entire 4000 years of history. China has not fought a single war in the last 43 years. 99% of China's military is back in China. China only has 1 military base outside its own soild following UN security council resolution approved anti Piracy in the Gulf of Aden.

Yet this clown lady is saying China is being aggressive and assertive.

There is only one country that has 800 military bases around the world and sails its ships half way across the world to pick a challenge the sovereign territory the other country and that ain't China.

And the struggle is not between democracy vs autocracy.
The struggle the world is facing today is between a unipolar world in which only one country gets to set the rules, gets to bully other countries, gets to invade and bomb other countries, gets to dominate the economic and financial markets and use its dominance to bully smaller countries, interfer in the affairs of other countries, impose its values and beliefs and dictate to other countries how they should rule themselves or threaten them to cut them off the world's economy. This is a world of the Anglo Saxon Imperialist who seeks to dominate every one else.

That is the world the US and its allies want.

Then there is the multipolar world in which every country gets a voice at the table and is treated as a equal.

Every country gets to decide what their own political system and what path they should take towards their own future.

Where all countries recognize that there are no such thing as universal values, but many different values, cultures and civilizations, all equal. Where no country gets to dominate others. All relationships between countries are on a equally respectful platform without lecturing, without threats, without sanctions,


As an Aussie Rudd's insights have always been great and he continues to speak lucidly and from a reasoned perspective. Very missed in Aussie politics
