The Practice of Abundance

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Ready to master your mind & expand your consciousness to make bliss and inner peace your permanent state? 4D University is an online academy filled with potent teachings and practices that guide hungry spiritual seekers on the ascension path to 4th Density Consciousness through Kundalini Awakening.

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In this clip from 4D University Live, Aaron details the practice of abundance, how to heal the belief in lack and see Reality clearly.
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I was a single mom for many years, rife with addictions from loss of my entire family and childhood ptsd and struggled often financially. I tried to maintain a positive attitude and count what blessings but it was hard. My biggest blessing was my beautiful daughter whose face lit up the room. This allowed me to stay afloat. But when things really shifted into manifestation is when I was led to plant a huge vegetable/herb garden. At harvest time, I sat in my garden and looked around at all the beauty surrounding me and how Mother Nature already was full of abundance, and I was sitting right in the middle of it. It cost me little money mostly sweat equity lol. My heart burst wide open at all the plants/animals even down to the busy ant colonies who worked so hard together. I saw a place for even them keeping our soils loosened for the roots of plants to spread. I had such a big crop I gave away much of it. I had 2 more children with my soon to be husband and more abundance came when we donated to charity without a thought, other than may this bless someone that needs it." Like a ricochet, abundance came back. When my material cup was fuller than I ever imagined possible, I still felt empty though. So I went within and started healing my inner child and following my intuition to adopt certain practices. I was also incorporating something like your catalyst healing teachings. Over time, like an inner Mother, this dormant energy came alive. It has not fully ascended to the crown. I will be using your teaching to clear a few subconscious roadblocks. Aaron, you're an amazing teacher of universal laws and cultivating the I AM presence. You are going to help many people discover their multidimensional self. In gratitude. Namaste 🙏


this should be teached in schools as basic knowledge 🙏


My dearest Aaron, that just opened a vault for me. I paused the segment and looked around and then thought of all I have. Holy shit! I’m the richest man in the world! It’s all how you choose to look at it.
All my love,


The most interesting thing about your teachings is that when you connect all the points, they make perfect sense!
For me that only means that what you are saying IS the TRUTH


This message of abundance or should I say truth, has been one of the most profound messages by you that I have heard thus far. Simply prolific. I asked, I sought, and I’ve found. Aaron Abke I’m so grateful that I have found you. Our Source, God, Universe is so mind blowing amazing!!!! 😊


What is really blowing my mind is seeing such profound wisdom being shared through the body of such a young man...for real, dude. Props out on your efforts towards and the pace of your spiritual evolution. We are all greatly benefiting from sincere thx out to you.


I will be using this as a lesson in homeschooling my 10 year old today. Keep it coming Aaron! So much gratitude for your channel ❤


I took some shrooms once and they made me feel the feeling of being rich and the message was that I WAS rich. I thought it was some prophesy of my future and the next day took it to mean, I am rich compared to many people and dont appreciate it, like thrird world countries. I have a home, car, health, etc., and never go without. But I am by no means actually rich financially. It wasnt until a few years later and had been practicing meditation, that the feeling state of abundance is our true nature. The energies flowing and the energy itself is infinite and abundant within us. And thats exactly how psychedelics make you feel. Thank God I can find that feeling from meditation.


It reminds me of is the glass half empty or half full. It's always full. It's filled by either air or water the only thing that changes is the ratio.


This is my mission right now. I believed in lack so much but it’s true that all there is, is abundance.


God is love. He that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God, and God dwelleth in him. Love is forever. Therefore giving and receiving is the same.


I'm so grateful a friend shared your channel with me. My heart is resonating so deeply with everything you teach... love is the path I have been choosing, and your teachings help me choose it with even clearer intention and understanding. Thank you for sharing your gift ❤


Probably watched this 30 times. The best video on abundance I’ve ever watched. Thank you Aaron ❤


21:43 “Give out what you feel you’re lacking, and you will have that thing. Giving is the proof of having. If you’re giving it, that’s proof that at some level, you have it. Immediately when you notice that, give the thing that your mind is telling you you’re lacking, right then and there.”


another word for abundance is simply Love, intention and attention, our energy goes where our Loving focus flows ❤


You have helped me connect more deeply with the Divine and heal Separation within me. Thank you for all that you do..🙏 I love you more than words can say!..❤


Wow, this cat is solid. I used to have an abundance of lack, that got old, let’s try something new


Great video. Here's a little addition for perspective. The law of attraction delivers that which we focus on. Abundance means "lots of". If one were to constantly focus on scarcity of money, they then attract an abundance of scarcity of money. They manifested exactly what they focused on. You always get what you put out.


Money wants you, Health wants you, Love wants you! And how you receive them?? By having a Loving Relationship to every aspect of them all!! By giving LOVE!! ❤ Giving & Receiving is how God is experience the Universe how We All experience Life!!! 🙏 Namaste ✨Aaron is the best teacher for spiritual growth


Thank you Aaron! I love that i can watch one of your videos and feel what your explaining in my body. Ive been experiencing the heart so much lately, so thank you!
