The centralizer of an element a in a group G is the set of all elements of G that commute with a. Definition, example, and how to keep abelian, center, and centralizer definitions straight.
NBHM 2019 abstract algebra question 1.5(class equation of a group of order 10) (concept based)
Well done! Made the concepts of center and centralizer very intuitive.
Centralizer? More like "Cool video; now we're wiser!"
Your explanation was great but I wasn't able to find the link to the dihedral group explorer you used in this video :c
Greetings. As always, thank you for excellent video lectures. Question?: 9:50-9:55
If centralizers are subgroups, as you said they are, then the smallest non trivial centralizer has two elements, e and the second element, provided the second elements is its own inverse. If the element beside e is not its own inverse, then the smallest centralizer should have three elements. Am I correct?
When you say the centralizer is the largest set of elements that commute I start thinking there are multiple sets and you pick the largest. My thinking is that you are really saying that its the set of all g that commute with a.