Все публикации

596.C4.2 Derivative of a Complex Function: The Amplitwist

596C.C4.1 Rethinking the Meaning of Derivative: Real Case

596C.C3.A Applying Complex Exponential and Log to M.C. Escher

596.C3.9 Complex Exponential and Logarithm - Mapping Properties

596C.C3.8 The Complex Exponential Function - Algebra

596C.C3.7 The Truth About Polar Form: Euler's Identity

596C.C3.6 When Complex Numbers Multiply: A Clue About Polar Form

596C.C3.4 Recap: There's More Than One 'Square Root Function'

596C.C3.3 Left and Right Inverses and the Real Square Root

596C.C3.2 One-to-One and Onto Functions

596C.C3.1 Some Square-Root Conundrums

596C.C2.4 Complex Functions as Transformations, Part 2

596C.C2.2 Real and Imaginary Parts of a Complex Function

Using Adobe Scan to Capture Your Work

596C.T2.1 Your Portfolio and My 'Ungrading' Philosophy

596C.T1.1 Reading Klein's 'Plan A/Plan B' History

596C.C1.1 Introducing Complex Numbers and the Complex Plane

596C.C1.3 Investigations of Complex Number Arithmetic and Geometry

596C.C1.2 Rectangular and Polar Coordinates in the Complex Plane

596C.0 Welcome and Overview

202.V4.3 Intersection of Vector Subspaces

202.V5.2 Adding a Vector to a Linearly Independent Set

202.G3 Characteristic Polynomials and Geometry of Eigenvalues

202.G4 Finding the Eigenspace Associated with an Eigenvalue