Michel Berthélemy, Nuclear Energy Analyst, OECD - NEA: the costs of the decarbonization
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#MichelBerthélemy, Nuclear Energy Analyst,
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA):
the costs of the decarbonization
Les coûts de la décarbonisation
Led by
, Vice-president of GMF
#BernardDereeper, President of Belgian
Nuclear Forum: which energy mix for Belgium?
#GuyBuckenham, Head of Generation Policy,
EDF Energy: for a diversified decarbonised
mix. The example of the UK
#KalevKallemets, Cofounder and CEO of
Fermi Energia OÜ: the deployment of SMR
in Estonia, a technology for complementary
electric generation to combined cycle gas and
renewable energies
#EricMaucort, President, Sauvons le Climat:
exit neutrality to assume the carbon-free mix
in Europe
#StéphaneSarrade, Deputy Director, NED,
CEA: renewables versus nuclear power: the
right balance
#TiinaTuomela, Deputy General Director,
nuclear energy, the base
of a carbon-free economy
Question and answer :
Helsinki 2019 - Les Entretiens Européens
New nuclear : a response to the electrical changes in our society in Europe ?
Le nouveau nucléaire : Une réponse aux mutations électriques de nos sociétés ?
#MichelBerthélemy, Nuclear Energy Analyst,
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA):
the costs of the decarbonization
Les coûts de la décarbonisation
Led by
, Vice-president of GMF
#BernardDereeper, President of Belgian
Nuclear Forum: which energy mix for Belgium?
#GuyBuckenham, Head of Generation Policy,
EDF Energy: for a diversified decarbonised
mix. The example of the UK
#KalevKallemets, Cofounder and CEO of
Fermi Energia OÜ: the deployment of SMR
in Estonia, a technology for complementary
electric generation to combined cycle gas and
renewable energies
#EricMaucort, President, Sauvons le Climat:
exit neutrality to assume the carbon-free mix
in Europe
#StéphaneSarrade, Deputy Director, NED,
CEA: renewables versus nuclear power: the
right balance
#TiinaTuomela, Deputy General Director,
nuclear energy, the base
of a carbon-free economy
Question and answer :
Helsinki 2019 - Les Entretiens Européens
New nuclear : a response to the electrical changes in our society in Europe ?
Le nouveau nucléaire : Une réponse aux mutations électriques de nos sociétés ?