Past, Present & Future of Application Security | International Virtual Summit

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MIT Centre for Future Skills Excellence (MIT-FuSE), MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune, India brings together the world's top tech Women influencers leading the exponential technology domain and raising awareness on trending hot topics such as blockchain technology, data science, AI & ML, cyber security, cloud computing, digital transformation, and many more.

Join the 2nd International Virtual Summit on WOMEN FRONTIERS IN EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGY from 5th to 8th March 2022, proudly organized by MIT Centre for Future Skills Excellence, India

The session on Past, Present & Future of Application Security is being engaged by Sailaja Vadlamudi AppSecLead & Senior Director - SAP Labs India | Founder WiCSP- Women in Cyber Security & Privacy

Transform yourself into a WINNING Professional!

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#MITADT #MITFutureSkills #MITFuSE #internationalwomensday2022 🚀🚀
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