Tamir Rice's Mother Says Watching Shooting Of 12-Year-Old Son Is ‘Heartbreaking' | Megyn Kelly TODAY

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In November 2014, Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy with a toy gun, was shot by police in Cleveland, and died the next day. Megyn Kelly TODAY welcomes Tamir’s mother, Samaria Rice, who says that re-watching video of the incident is “heartbreaking.” She calls for “conversation” and “accountability” regarding fatal police encounters.

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Tamir Rice's Mother Says Watching Shooting Of 12-Year-Old Son Is ‘Heartbreaking' | Megyn Kelly TODAY
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For those of you commenting and didn't keep up with the story, the officer that killed her son was deemed as unfit for duty after he suffered from an emotional breakdown on the firing range. He did not disclose the information to the Cleveland police department and they did not review his personnel folder. That is one of the major issues with all of this. The man had no business going out that night. I can't believe they asked the boy to put his hands up three times either, the officer shot him the second he could. Her son was playing with a toy, it was a bit naive but the child was being just that a CHILD. He didn't think what he was doing was wrong or that his actions would have consequences.


His mom looks like she’s just trying to hold on. She looks almost disconnected from this world. You can tell she hasn’t truly moved forward, which is completely normal especially a situation like this.


aint no way the guy said put your hands up 3 times. no way!


The 9-1-1 dispatcher should be in prison along with that trigger happy cop


He’d be 18 this yr . He’d be goin to college😔


If the caller could piece together that it was a child with a gun then there is no reason that the officer shouldn't have deduced the same thing before pulling the trigger


It's still sad, this was a child


>says the gun is probably fake
>calls 911


Rest in peace Tamir, no one will hurt you in heaven.


Gone to soon praying for Tamir Rice's family he would have been graduating with the class of 2020 a bright young man.


You died almost 4yrs ago Tamir...and I still think about you...its so sad what happened to you...but your home now with our father up above... I'll be sure to tell my grandchildren your story just like how I was told about Emmett Till...


Bruh he pulled up so quick how did he say put your hand up three times that don’t make no sense


I am a mother and my heart hurts for these women. How are they so strong? I wouldn’t be able to go on if something happened to my children but I especially couldn’t if the circumstances were like the ones these women experienced. I wish I knew how to help. I wish people would be honest about the racism we grow up hearing and seeing so that people can actually have an honest conversation. I just can’t imagine the only punishment for murder being simply losing your job. That is mind blowing and heartbreaking.


Hard for me to blame a 12 year old for acting dumb. Kids aren't really the epitome of knowledge and understanding. If anything they are sponges to their environment.


tamir would’ve been turning 18 this year, no way this should’ve happened, he was a CHILD with a future ahead of him. i swear it seems like every year they make it harder and harder to be black.


I think you should not have paused the video. It is only obvious by watching it that there was no time for those officers to scream out put your hands up. As soon as he open the door he shot and murdered that little boy.
Look at that Doctor Who molested all of those Olympians or the doctor at USC. Those sick animals became doctors to do what they did. I believe there are sick individuals to become police officers to do what this one did.
I also believe there should be no grand jury hearings for police involved shootings of civilians, especially unarmed civilians. This should go directly to trial. Grand jury’s are biased towards the prosecution. The prosecution is biased towards the police. This is not the way to hold accountable people who should never be cops to begin with, and should be punished for their reckless (and sometimes racist) behavior.


People are literally justifying the murder of Timir, and calling the mother a bad parent, and saying it was her and Tamir's fat that he died. R.I.P Tamir, you will never be forgotten.


if that child was white that caller would not have called. The police reacted too quickly. The case needs to reopen and charges filed. That caller needs to be charged as well for the lynching of this black boy. Justice was not served in this and many cases.


That friend who gave him that what is he feeling today


Anyone has comments about this today?? We are in 2020 #pendemic and we all just saw a black man be killed by an officer. The man yelled out... it’s horrible.
