White Guy Explains How Black People's Problem Isn't Racism but Lack of CULTURE! 👀😭

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He’s basically saying poor ppl are ghetto no matter what their race is.


"When a people lose knowledge of self, they begin to take on the traits of their enemies" - Dr Khalid Muhammad.


What kills me is that I learned this over 30 years ago and nothing has changed, _things have only gotten worse!_


As someone from Germany I was actually shocked how similar black american english sound to the southern accents.


This man is 100% correct. My father is Jamaican. My mom was from the old south. They both raised me not to be victims but to be a strong person both in character and physical body. They taught me to work hard. Don't stay out late out at night. Stay out of trouble and learn new things. At no point in time even though we lived in a white community where probably 20% of them did not like us at all with very much proof, I was raised not to let that hold me back. The victim mentality of the current black community is its own destruction. They're concerns about race is overinflated and destroys their own quality of character. Judge people by how they act regardless of color.


This is another reason why racism is important for our system to work. We can’t allow all the poor people to realize everything they share in common and possibly unite.


It's much deeper than that. He just skimmed the milk off the top


Facts because the trailer parks and the projects are the same in south Florida 😂😂💯


I'm a white guy from that "Redneck Culture" and I can 100% agree that it's an albatross around the neck of us who were born into it. And I have a college degree, I have seen numerous people from my area and background have chance after chance to improve their life. Blowing through financial assistance, trying to settle differences with physical violence instead of delegation and negotiation. Black or White it doesn't matter....poverty and lack of education doesn't permit growth.


Well as a Caribbean citizen I can honestly say that our black descendants didn't go through the same things as the ancestors of slaves in America.
Slavery was abolished, governors were brought over we were colonized etc. but our majority was black. After slavery we never had to question whether we were a full human or half. Most of our leaders were descendants of former slaves. We never had to sit at the back of buses and fight for equality after emancipation. We also didn't have our stores burned down and black business owners lynched when the whites felt that the black businessmen were taking away their profit. In the Caribbean former black slaves inherited land. In the US they hardly gave anything to the slaves and they were forced to remain on plantation. They gave nothing to majority of the slaves and the effect of that is still being felt today.
When the former slaves in the Caribbean refused to work the plantation, the British empire traveled to India, Germany etc. to bring back workers as indentured servants.
Yes Caribbean people were affected by slavery and the ramifications can still be felt today. The enslavement of Africans was one of the most brutal forms of slavery to ever exist but I believe that we as Caribbean citizens will recover faster than those in the US because their trauma is deeper. Hence the reason why Caribbean people who move to the US are more likely to work hard and succeed. Most of us didn't even realize we were black or never felt that our blackness would be frowned upon until we visited the USA and Canada.


I’ve said this for YEARS!!
It’s a Midwest/southern thing. The African Americans and Caucasian there all talk the same.
They are both in poverty. It’s crazy that this is just now being talked about when I literally said this shit 20 years ago.

It’s not a race thing. It’s a environment thing.

You are what you eat.. or something like that.


I’ve read “Black rednecks and white liberals” by Thomas Sowell from where he gets this knowledge. Additionally I’ve also read 5 other of his books, life changing material.


And they need us to hate each other. Heaven forbid people find out we have more in common than what separates us.


I have always just felt closer to Black southerners than I have people who come out the city regardless of color of skin. It's definitely a cultural difference between the two areas. I tend to stay away from people who are from the city for the simple fact our cultures are very different and I feel like city folk don't respect our culture.


We in the Caribbean do not come into contact with racism so easily. AA have a unique experience where it is in every walk of their lives


You put a redneck from the trailer park in the hood, and he’ll bring dank weed, moonshine, a pig to put on the grill, and help get Uncle Deonte’s old ‘87 Monte Carlo running again.


I’ve been saying this for so long. This guy did the research and backed it up. My mind is blown. People laughed at me when I said this. 🤯


It's like this... I'm 50yrs old. My family moved from down south to the north. My mother had me at 16yrs and we could not afford to live anyway except the hood. To make this short, I was raised most of My life in what would be called a black neighborhood. I noticed many wears ago that all my southern cousins, aunts, uncle, etc sounded the same as the black people in my neighborhood. Same tone, same way words are pronounced, etc. The only difference was a twang by the southerners.


*Thomas Sowell's the GOAT!*
*Nothing but respect for his academic prowess.*


The book is called "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" it's deep and it explains this fully and it makes sense 100%
