Hannele- Ο πατέρας

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The theatre play Hannele’s Himmelfahrt by the Nobel nominated Gerhardt Hauptmann, that was introduced in “Theatre Compositions 3” in Beton7 Center for the Arts, is presented again for four days (December 19-22) in Rabbithole space (Germanikou 20, Metaxourgeio, Athens).
Though the complexed, zealously religious society of the German province of 1893 seems far away today, the impact of the social erosion is pretty much familiar. In an effort to approach an up-to-date perception of the story, a contemporary Hannele walks off from the social sphere that enabled her physical and mental collapse.
A narrator goes through varieté show, pantomime and magic tricks in order to make the story known. The performance draws upon musical, opera, circus and the German cabaret. The original music by Michalis Goutis adapted for voice, piano and flute, influenced by romanticism, jazz and avant-garde is performed live.

Рекомендации по теме

H φωνη είναι πολυ ωραια, αλλα δεν καταλαβαινω πως μπορει κανεις να ερμηνευει ενα νατουραλιστικο εργο με θεατρο του παραλόγου; τι κατάλαβε το ακροατήριο απο αυτην την ανάγνωση;
