Mikalea - Stronger (Extended Mix)

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With a voice being compared with Karin Dreijer (The Knife) and Malin Dahlström (Niki & Dove), Mika’s musical journey has been crossing over many genres over the years but her heart beats a little bit faster for house tunes and electro pop. “Vocally my love for Kate Bush is profound and will always be my main vocal inspiration.” It all started one grey November day when Mika grabbed her keyboard before heading to school and without any introduction set it up during lunchbreak and sang in front of the whole school. “I was 11 years old. I wrote the song the night before and I can still remember every words clearly in my head. “Stjärnorna, jag vill se stjärnorna. Stjärnorna bakom en stääängd dörr.” (The stars, let me see the stars. All the stars behind that closed door.) Her love for music was born, right there and then!” In her early 20, Mika joined the band MOVIDO playing at different clubs and party’s all over Stockholm, Sweden with bands like Honey is Cool (later The Knife) at Stockholm Fashion Fair etc. Movido was early on compared to The Cardigans, Mika being a blonde girl fronting a band of handsome guys ;). Movido got great reviews for its soft pop melodies with a dash of funk. “Playing music then was all about just having fun!”In resent years, her second love in life - Sustainable Fashion - has taken more and more time but she kept signing on different music projects like Mii Music (the electro pop group) but today Mika is recording under her aliases Mikaela and Mika’s giving her the opportunity to sing both in English and Swedish and release stuff ranging from house to pop.

‘Stronger’ is electro pop house techno goodness all rolled into one super slick produced banger! It’s equal measures of dancefloor moments / beautiful vocals and amazing lyrics and it was recorded in ABBAs famous studio Rixmixverket in Stockholm…how cool is that!
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