KNIC4: Nkrumahism, Natl. Lib., OSPAAAL; CONCP, A-ACPC

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Presentation examines Osageyfo Kwame Nkrumah’s often times clandestine role with African intelligentsia and intellectuals in establishing and developing organizations for glorious armed struggle throughout Africa and on the Tricontinental scale (i.e. Africa, Asia and Latin America), while simultaneously organizing with revolutionary African intelligentsia and intellectuals inside the imperialist countries (e.g. Malcolm X, Kwame Ture, et al).

This presentation examines statements by revolutionary intelligentsia and intellectuals on what is not revealed in Nkrumah’s books, letters, et al, - the extent that he facilitated arms to various liberation movements; helped establish, develop and coordinate organization such as the Bandung Conference and its organization product AAPSO , CONCP, the First Tricontinental Conference and OSPAAAL.

It addresses the role that a reinvigorated intelligentsia and intellectuals must engage in to serve African People by establishing and developing an African Vanguard Mass revolutionary Party leading a High Command of an All-African People’s Army in coordination with a Tricontinental organization.

Finally, it asserts that revolutionary African intelligentsia and intellectuals must immediately target the most progressive and revolutionary Parties, become one with them and institutionalize systematic politico-ideological training, while linking the Parties with other similar Parties in Africa, Asia and Latin America for politico-military coordination.
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100% agreed. Forward! Every six months, I re-read Osagyefo's Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare.
