Archaeologists In Pompeii Broke Into A Forbidden Room And Then Froze At The Sight Within

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It’s almost impossible to walk through the ruins of Pompeii without being struck by a certain melancholy. Here’s a city stuck in the past, fixed in place by a layer of hardened ash that swept over it following the powerful volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The somber nature of the place is inescapable, then, and a new discovery has made it even more poignant. Archaeologists have discovered a room in the ruins — one that tells a dark and touching story.
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As a former Archaeologist, I never "Broke into anything" a room or item is carefully excavated with the utmost care & professionalism. Certainly not in the manner of your Heading/Title.


<sigh> I suppose that computer voice-over is getting better, but it really is disconcerting and this whole presentation would have been MUCH better had a real person who understood the inflection in the language had been the narrator.


I my husband visited the place in 1978 during a thunderstorm. The rain came in cascades, lightning lit up the almost black sky and the rainwater ran like small rivers through the streets. It all gave us an impression of how terrifying the volcanic eruption must have been for the poor people who couldn't escape. For us nowadays, an unforgettable experience. p.s. I have been there several times since.


We forget that for almost all of history almost everyone's life was very hard, very uncomfortable, and very short compared to the present time.


As an archaeologist, we don't "break in" to "forbidden rooms"


There was plenty of people living in cold, crammed and uncomfortable places less than a hundred years ago, and there still is.


"A mere 170' sq of space" TIL: Pompeii slaves had twice the living space as me!


It's a must thing I have to do, before leaving this world and returning to dust. I have always since a child been fascinated by Rome, Pompeii and the history.


Lived near there for a few yrs.. the amount of Artefacts i was offered was unreal, i was even offered vases and figurines on consignment if i could get them to northern Europe, i visited some guys house and he had a beautiful mosaic which had been broken up and made into a coffee table, a sin in itself... locals treated it as a business opportunity


Such an interesting story, but the presentation is not good at all. It starts already with a headline that has nothing to do with the story, but made up to make the video sensational. There is no forbidden room they went in. It is a newly discovery room, that’s all.


I've heard that for the majority of people during this period indoors was basically for sleeping. Life was lived in the outdoors. Yes this so-called slave room was tiny and didn't have any amenities but they most likely did not hang out here like we do in our living rooms they went down there to sleep. I'm sure being a slave was a hard life but this is not a cell that they lived in like a prison.


I had to laugh when he said they found objects that were ceremonial. To an Archaeologist everything they find they generally claim it to be ceremonial. Two thousand years from now an Archaeologist will find a McDonald's happy meal toy and it will be displayed in a museum as being ceremonial.


I visited Pompeii in 1970 and it was emotionally overwhelming.


I'm surprised at how well the Lambo was preserved (at 7:32).

Some time back the body of a young woman, probably a teen with a baby in her hands was discovered. She had a spine that was somewhat twisted and a leg that showed she walked with a limp. It was assumed that she was a slave who was probably trying to save herself and the infant.


Very interesting. We never know how quickly our lives can change.


Visitei Pompeia em agosto de 2022 e fiquei extasiada e emocionada por percorrer esse museu arqueológico a céu aberto, fiquei 6 horas andando por Pompeia e ainda quero voltar, é muita história q essas ruínas podem contar …


The voice on this is awful. I live about an hour from Pompeii and I can attest to a lot of this as being inaccurate. If you want to understand Pompeii, you really have to visit. About 2 thirds of the site are still buried beneath the modern city of Pompei ( note the spelling difference). Sadly, there seem to be far too many ' experts' giving opinions on what is essentially a very human tragedy.


The room obviously wasn't so "forbidden".


It looks like my son’s college dorm room. But cleaner. Probably smelled better, too.


So fascinating to see a lifestyle frozen in time.
