The Key to a Happy Death

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The key to a happy death is not a long and fulfilled life—it’s a life of gratitude for the time given.

We often forget that this life isn’t owed to us. Every breath we take is a gift from God, who is holding us in existence at this very moment. Once we start to think that this life is owed to us, that in some way we deserve it, we will become ungrateful for the time that is given, even if we’ve lived a long and happy life.

Today, Father Mike explains how to fill your life with gratitude, and how that will prepare you for a happy death.

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My wife passed away 4 months ago after being in the hospital for over 9 months. The pain my wife was going through was also hurting me every single day, I cried and prayed every single day. I was crushed immensely when she passed. I'm still grieving and when I look back I see that there is a silver lining in all of this. God blessed me with the most beautiful woman. My wife gave me the best 13 years I can ever ask for. I became a changed man for the better in chasing after Jesus, I read the bible constantly, I prayed multiple times a day, I gave Jesus my heart and soul with faith and trust. I sit here now grateful for the life God has given me and when it is my time to pass I will be grateful and ready to be at rest and and peace finally.


I don't know how you do it Father Mike, but you speak to me at exactly the right times in my life, when I need to hear these words. Thank you, and thank God for every day I'm here on this Earth.


Thank you Father Mike for your insight.


I'm 40. I had an awareness of death since I was a child, well before any close family members died. I wasn't raised Catholic--my parents were (and remain) secular Jews. I came to faith in Jesus at 16, joined the Church at 19. My personal view on my death, whenever it takes place, is that I don't care as much when I die as dying in the state of grace. Also, I want to spend as little time in Purgatory as possible, preferably bypassing it altogether. :) A long life doesn't appeal to me as much as being told, "Well done, good and faithful servant" by Christ. But I definitely have to work on gratitude!


You are aBlessing to all who get to hear you speak….🙏 thank you 🙏


An authentc intent of selflessly serving God's kingdom, taking joy in giving fulfills a higher purpose of life.


Gratitude is one of the most amazing gifts!!!


Humility and gratitude are lofty goals and very necessary


Saint Michael Archangel, deliver me from every evil thought, every cruel word, and all anger and resentment.


Thanks for sharing. Now I see gratitude in a different light.


A good reminder Father Mike that every day I live is a gift from God and I thank him for all the gifts he gives me especially that of life.


Fr Mike, you sure hit home with this, thank you, and God bless you, 🙏🏻


When I got diagnosed with cancer the first thing I said was I know that i am going to see mother Mary again. Then I got angry because of lack of support in friends. I had to let go of that life in friends, to get God's will. Then I got help from god 🙌 🙏 😌 and it's the same help all of us have . That gods only son suffered and died for us so that we may live .it is also the gift of a mother's love and the gift of a fathers love . It is right in saying that to let go of this life, is gratitude itself. Thank you for this Fr Mike I will say a prayer for you today. 🙏


Beautiful message Fr. What I can't understand about myself is that I loved and cared for my mom for two years always praying the rosary with her and the day she died at age 84 I did not cry or grieved although she died in my brother's arms while I was attending to her. It's only now after four years when I'm praying the Mercy rosary that I find myself crying. Can you give me a reason why I did not feel grief or cried at the time of her death. As always praying for you and all at Ascension. God bless🙏


Thank you, Fr. Mike, for reminding us of the need to live each day with gratitude to God. Listening to what you had said actually reminded me of Job's prayer when he was afflicted: "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord."


i was listening to this, and got bored, wondering why God wants me to hear this. then Fr Mike got to the part about being heartbroken over someone we lost.
and I realised why i needed to hear this. because every day after my mom's death four years ago, i've been waiting to die so i can see her again. Now I know I need to be grateful instead, for the time I had with my mom and the time I have left on this earth.
I don't fully understand this yet, but it's something to start with. Thank you, Fr Mike. God bless.


Praise the Lord for each breath we take!

Fr. Mark Goring '3 days darkness' prophecy has nearly 3/4 million views..


Is gratitude really the only way to a happy death? I always pictured it as relief that my sufferings would soon be over.


I dosagree. All the saints were prepared to go home, in fact, they looked forward to it.
