072 Financial Fortress - The Basics

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"Your First Step Toward Financial Independence"

The Financial Fortress is one of the most misunderstood, underutilised and missing pieces of business and entrepreneurship.

Most people think being wealthy and making money is about driving fast cars, running big numbers on the top line and chasing the elusive by rolling everything up to a position that never actually arrives or exists.

However, when you understand the Financial Fortress model and you set up a holding company, which is Step One and the absolute fundamental element of this, the aim of the game is no longer to win.

The Financial Fortress is a double entendre, the aim of the game here is taking money off the table i.e. on the 28th of every month, regardless of what's happening in your noisy businesses, your net wealth increases as money is transferred up to your holding company.

The second element of taking money off the table is when you do this for long enough, compound up the returns and understand the strategy and structure of wealth creation, you can get to a position of financial independence where money is genuinely off the table. At this point, you can make day to day decisions on what you like, what you enjoy, and what you want to do rather than what you feel like you have to do.

In this official Property Entrepreneur podcast, I'm going to take you through the five steps of the Financial Fortress basics - how to set up a holding company, how to set up the structure and how to ensure that on 28th of every month your net wealth is increasing, your motivation is maintained and you're setting the foundations today to build financial wealth and independence for the medium and long term.

Ladies and Gents, wealth creation is one of the least exercised rights of entrepreneurs and I would say this is not an option for you to do, it is an absolute obligation. Once it is set up, it will be more rewarding, more satisfying and far more lucrative in the short, medium and long term. It will finally give you what you set out to achieve in your life, in business and as an entrepreneur.

Financial Fortress -The Basics: the setup and the holding company.

I wish you the very best of luck and I hope you enjoy.

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