Saitama Vs Goku (All Forms)

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Y’all niggas need to remember this

Goku vs saitama will never be a thing

Only Goku 🤝 Saitama 🗿🍷


Overall Strength, iq, invulneravility, potential, versavility, rage, bald, attack potency, adaptability, stamina, running speed, flexibility, jump force, intelect, intelligence, limitless, goat: Saitama

Overall speed, battle iq, all forms of combat, dexterity, feats, abilities, destructive capacity, overall experience, reflex, agility, transformations, endurace, durability, stupid, weapons, suit, flexibility, hax, techniques, knowledge, training, goat: Goku

Concluision: they are goats


Goku and saitama:🤝

Goku and saitama fans:⚔️


He defeated frieza, a powerful galactic emperor, after transforming into a Super Saiyan. Frieza was able to destroy very large planets with ease, and Goku overpowered his attack that could destroy the planet Namek. Generating so much energy with his punches that along with Beerus's punches they contributed to the near destruction of universe 7. Beerus is a God of Destruction who can erase anything from existence, and Goku matched his power as a Super Saiyan God. Moving faster than a being who can skip time. Hit is an assassin who can manipulate time and space, and Goku was able to outspeed his time-skip technique as a Super Saiyan Blue with Kaioken. Shattering a dimension made by the time skipper. Goku broke through Hit's Time Cage, a technique that traps the opponent in a separate dimension where time is frozen. Fighting and actually injuring the fusion of his alternative self and an immortal deity with his energy blast. Zamasu was a rogue Kai who fused with his counterpart from another timeline, becoming an invincible and omnipotent being. Goku managed to damage him with his Kamehameha wave as a Super Saiyan Blue. Accessing the Ultra Instinct state at will. Ultra Instinct is a technique that allows the user to move and react without thinking, achieving the ultimate level of speed and reflexes. Goku mastered this technique after fighting Jiren, a warrior whose power transcended time itself.

oh and not to mention

i’m low balling
ap: high outer
dc: low outer
speed: immeasurable
biq: extremely high
dura: high outer
strength: low outer
reflex: immeasurable
iq: ☠️

goku wins in base, cry harder

just an update: kid goku is enough


Goku vs Saitama 🚫
Goku and Saitama vs ✔

people who just watch anime because they enjoy it


After the recent manga, Saitama negs goku so bad that he's not even a contender.


Imagine if they both are in one anime and they both team up to defeat beerus and black frieza tell who will win in replys


Read for OPM Boys!

*(Pin this)*
(No hate)

*Goku is stronger than saitama!*

*1* Strength: Goku can destroy more than a whole universe. Proof:(When he fought Beerus, Beerus said that he can destroy the whole universe if he uses all his power, but now Goku is stronger than Beerus even .

*2* Speed:He's faster than light!2 proofs:He has instantaneous teleportation, which allows him to be to another planet in a quarter of a second.(when fighting hit he was able to break his time jump, so he's faster than time .

*Iq:saitama* I don't think I have to explain🤣

*4* Battle iq: Goku is EXTREMELY smart in battle. Proof: in the fight against hit he took a bullet in the air so that it revives him when he dies!

*5* Endurance: He could last HOURS in the Tournament of Power and when his mui was gone he could still get up and keep helping (I mean Goku's LF and Freezer he could still fight) (dragon ball legends)

*6* Abilities:I don't have to say much goku can transform.He can also do the following more:kamehameha, sun attack, genkidama, instantaneous teleportation usw...

Oh and saitama only does 100 push ups,
Goku does 100 trillion if you know.


finally a guy that doesnt over rate saitama or goku


Goku and Saitama watching these battle videos between them Goku:🤔 Saitama:🤐 Saitama: Hey Goku, let's buy some things for our party Goku: Yes! Let's take advantage of this being on sale and have a party celebrating our creators working so hard on their works! Saitama: Of course! Let's leave these idiots fighting over nonsense.


goku vs saitama would be the most watched fight in all of anime time if it were to happen


Alright everyone im not opm simp but i read the mangas and realized that saitama serious punch squared was in his base becuase he was not fighting at all before that, that also means yall are fricking comparing him in base he also can touch 5d dimenison portals so who wins? well it can go 2 ways goku starts from base and slowely is going to mui that lets saitama have a lot of time to "evolve" and saitama will soon be able to one punch goku. If goku starts in Mui saitama most likely will lose.


Goku is already fighting with his limit but Saitama wants to know what his limit is


Fun Fact: Goku in Ssj ALONE was able to defeat freiza cell and kid buu who were all universal while saitama is solar system level


Bro didn’t say what form saitama is and anyway who the hell cares about this dumb debate


Saitama full same power of ssj3 goku bc the creat of saitama says this😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Even in DBS, Kid Buu easily wipes out the universe without consuming any power. In Cooler, he is equally powerful and Goku's ToP base state or Manga Base state takes them. In DBS, when SSG Goku faced Beerus, they made him capable of destroying infinity with a single punch. Beerus had 0.1% power. and Goku was careful not to destroy anything. Since ToP Goku or Manga Goku Base > SSG, it means that ToP Goku or Manga base can easily destroy infinity. It has techniques such as jumping in time, dodging the opponent's attack in 0.1 seconds and making a sudden attack. The other techniques are already obvious. So, Goku is in SBDSH (SBDSH canon confirmed by Akira Toriyama by the way) with MiraWhen he encountered him, he was able to defeat him with Universal Blue, and Mira was strong enough to destroy the entire timeline, infinity, space and time, and Goku survived her attacks and defeated her. In the movie, Vegeta and Goku united and defeated LSSJ Broly by creating Gogeta Blue. LSSJ Broly was strong enough to break time with only shock waves, and Broly is a warrior who broke his limit when he was a baby and can adapt to infinite potential and moves. Since Gogeta Blue = TUI Goku is stronger than gogeta blue, TUI Goku It means that he can easily destroy the timeline with shock waves. In DBS, he was able to defeat Jiren's full power in MUI. ToP Goku Base is stronger than SSG and despite this, he cannot even pass Jiren's ki shield. In ToP SSG, Jiren can defeat him with 1% of his power. He is also someone who can attack from his eyes, has spider sense, can make a punch attack from his eyes. If you remember, SSB 20x Kaioken was able to break time and was faster than time and UI is stronger than this form, although Jiren cannot exceed 50%, he does not have all the infinity against Jiren in DBS with his hands. He survived a powerful enough black hole attack to become UI (actually this happened while attacking Jirene, but Jiren was able to control Goku's Genki Dama), also in the manga, he was able to fend off sudden attacks from portals like Hyperspace while fighting Merged Zamasu, and finally the combination of all Goku's forms called Universal Blue. It can't even be 10%, just imagine the power of Universal Blue
Goku ssj3 Bunu saga tier 2-B
Saitama Manga Fp tier 3-C


GOKU[T.U.I.]>>>SAITAMA [168]


Since TUI Goku low diff goku then gohan neg diff right


It doesn't matter how hard your punches are if it can't land on mui Goku 🗿🗿
