Trust the process 👏 #shorts

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Trust the process 👏
(via @nemezis_/IG) #shorts
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Good job but something tells me he could do this from the start


Ah I remember the feeling. Congratulations


He is not fooling me! He made this video after he already could do a muscle up! But he pretended to not be able to do one and then he did one. His body never changed. It was exactly the same. His acting was not good in the failed attempts.


Bro all that work to STILL not really do it 😭


One doesn’t experience self transcendence, the illusion of self only dissipates..🎈


There was a song back in the early 80s I think that mentioned a Las Vegas wedding and a Mexican divorce. Meaning a quickie wedding and a quickie divorce. I'm not sure but I think divorce law may have changed now where a legal divorce needs to be done thru an American court now between US citizens.
Brainfarting atm and can't remember the name of the song or band.


Hey guys, I don't want to come on here and sound like a pastor, I'm just saying this as a friend….What if I were to tell you that religion doesn't matter?  Why? Because it's based on works. It's based on principles that we have to feel subject to act a certain way or be perfect all the time, or follow rituals and believe in idols. 

Well, if that's the case, then what's the meaning of Life? It's simple... To Choose Good, Or To Choose Evil. 

You see, we all have FREE will.  We all have the ability to do anything, say anything, or be anything we want.  But here is the thing, do you notice when you do something you shouldn't and you feel a bit guilty after?  Or when you help someone in need, and you feel like you did something really good? Well, that's our moral know the difference between right and wrong!  

So, why does any of this matter?  Because this world we live in is a test. It's a test to lead to a path of righteousness or to lead to a path of wickedness. 

So who put us in this testing ground and why? God, the Father did. 

The soul purpose for which we were created is to reflect God's love back to Him. Because of this, God did not create us to be robots and force us to love Him.  That would not be true love.  True love comes from free will.  Because we are not forced to love God,   but we choose to. God will never force you to love Him.  He will never force you to have a relationship with Him.  It makes Him so sad when His very own children reject Him and live for the flesh.  We try to get every best moment we can, but in reality, it will never be enough.  We will never be fully satisfied, and that's because there will always be something missing inside of us, and that's God.  God is what makes us whole. He is our firm foundation. He is your Father.  

He will always be with you in the good times and the bad. The comfort you receive from your Father is unspeakable. All that God wants is a chance, a chance to show you how much He loves each and every one of you! 

God has so much in store for all of you!  More than you could ever imagine. How do we know for sure that God loves us?  He sent His one and only Son to die for us while we were yet sinners. 

What is His Son's name? Jesus Christ. Jesus was sent down from perfect paradise in Heaven to come down to our sinful world with a mission.  A mission to set humanity free from the bondages of sin.  You see, because of our sin, we were separated from God.  God is Holy and can not indwell with sin.  So, if Jesus never died on the cross and gave His life for us, we would all have to face judgment because God can not allow sin to enter into His Holy Kingdom.

Here's the amazing news! Jesus lived a sinless life, so he was the perfect atonement to set us free and to break every chain of bondage! Because of Jesus, we are now set free and are restored to God the Father.  

You may be wondering how Jesus overcome all sin and never sin once?  It is because God, the Father, and Jesus are one. Jesus is fully God and fully man.  He is the full manifestation of God in the flesh.  Can you imagine when we leave this world and are greeted with open arms by your Savior?  He will never let you go again.  Jesus says I will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more sorrow, no more pain.  Behold the former things have passed away.  I have come to make All Things New! 

You see, isn't God amazing? He did all of this so you could have an Eternal Relationship with Him. I don't know about you, but that sure sounds like love to me!

God is your biggest fan!  He Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You.  He will always have your back, cheering you on when you succeed.  Lifting you up in the hard times, He'll be right there when you are feeling down. He will heal and restore that which has been broken inside of you. God is your biggest supporter! He has your back to the very end. 

God wants to be your very best friend. He wants to live life with you now and forever. You can talk to him throughout the day, let him know your struggles, your doubts, and your fears.  

He has already bore it all when He took it up on the Cross and died for you.  Cast all of your anxieties onto the Lord because he cares for you. 

I promise you this: having God as the forefront of your life is the best decision you will ever have made in this temporary life.  Weeping may endure for  night, but joy comes in the morning. 

You can receive Eternal Salvation right at this very moment through our Savior Jesus!  Jesus was tortured for us.  He placed all of our transgressions and iniquities onto Himself because He cares for us. 

If you declare with your mouth that Jesus Is Lord and truly believe with all your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved!  You will now have the Eternal Seal of Salvation.

To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.  I will see you in Heaven Friends!  

God Be With You All.


I have NFT in open sea please suruch Mohitkar and buy my N F T


Wait are muscle ups supposed to be hard?
