【Kasane Teto SV】 Vermilion / CircusP [ ⚠ CW ]

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The mourning of one still alive

CW: Visual depictions of robot gore
Featured on DAEMON DOLL
Song by Circus

Mastering by Jamie Paige

Video by rice

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If only I could pre-order a Teto English album with this song on it... Huh?! I can*?! Until May 27th...? Why didn't you say so sooner?!

*for us and JP customers only, other customers will be able to buy leftover sales after the shipping period ends


That moment when you realize the subtitles are actual subtitles on youtube and not a part of the video


I have a feeling - with the quote from Better Off Worse in the description - that this song is also a meta-commentary on the experience of creating songs and "opening yourself up to the audience for enjoyment". The pattern of using injuries as paint - the line about "teenage aches of stunted growth"...

I feel as if it is very obviously a song about the artist attempting to push themselves to make darker music, in order to keep relevance- even if they are no longer in that mindset and returning to it is like re-opening a scabbed scar. Vermilion itself is made from a mineral that contains a large amount of mercury - making it, by definition, poisonous.

With that in mind, I hope everyone can enjoy Vocacircus' other works too.


Surprised I didn't see any comments about the theme of self-harm in this song (there probably are some I just didn't find them), especially since 'Better off Worse' had mentions of death/suicide, mentions of "recovery" (anyone who suffers from an ED or cuts knows what is meant by "recovery"), disordered eating and relapse in it. Pretty sure painting here = cutting. Brush strokes = blade swipes. That's why she only paints with vermillion, it's her blood not paint. 😭She's part of the canvas. I feel like it's easier to see it if you've self-harmed in the past.
To me this song is about trying to cope with the trauma of your past, but not having very healthy coping mechanisms and taking things too far (and dying for it).

Circus I hope you're doing okay. Don't be afraid to reach out.


You've heard of CMYK, now get ready for...
Well, I don't have something clever to say. I just like when Circus songs or albums have names of colors


incredibly honored to have mastered this!!! ❤️💚 everyone go pre-order daemon/doll now gogogogogogogogogo


I can’t get over the choice to illustrate Teto with her hair down for once 👌👌❤️❤️ Amazing work here^^


VocaCircus never fails to rip my limb apart one by one as I scream in excrutiating pain and agony meanwhile my consciousness slowly fades away


Something i find very interesting about the end of the pv, and it might not be intentional but it's still cool, is that her silhouette is eventually covered back up by footsteps. Maybe the footsteps are supposed to be of the people who watched her destroy herself to create art, and we can see how there's so much more by the end, once she's become what she thought would be "art". But the way the footsteps cover up where her body was indicates that even with how hard she tried to make something, even going as far as to (seemingly) end her own life, her impact was eventually obscured by the effect of the people who looked at her "art". I dunno if it means anything but i still think it's a banger metaphor that fits the mood of the song.


idk if someone else has commented this yet but i saw some people mention accessibility with the subs— if the red CC are hard to read or overlap too much on ur screen, pick any of the other english CC in the options, those display normally! :) (also side note, both the standard CC filling up the screen like blood and hiding what reads like tetos internal monologue/diary entries/whatever u wanna call it in the CC options is genius)


I just went into the options for the closed cations for this song because I've been having a hard time reading the default ones, and uhhh.... What did I walk in to???
Edit: I just spend a few minutes transcribing them, I'll post them here in the order they appear. (Side note, I'm not sure they appear in the correct order, as they're ordered alphabetically.)

"A lot of people complimented my work today. I’m happy.
A lot of people complimented my work today. I’m scared.
All I can smell is paint.
Are you listening to me? Like, really truly, listening? Hey, if you’re out there…
Are you listening?
Hey, it hurts… It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
How closely are you listening to me? Can you hear every beat of my heart? Can you hear each cell grow and die? Ah… Sorry, is that gross?
I don’t mind losing “that”. It’ll be worth it in the end, and it won’t even hurt,
I don’t want to be seen. Please don’t look at me.
I dropped some today. It splattered all over the kitchen tile. What a mess…. I’m not looking forward to cleaning it up.
I hope I can finish my drafts soon.
I need to buy more paint brushes. I haven’t used mine in so long, the bristles are getting stiff. I wonder if I still know the way to the art store.
If I grind it up, it’ll come out. That brilliant color… I just need to destroy it first, and it’ll come out…
Is this what they call “the point of no return”? I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted to.
It hurts.
It’s too dark in here. I can’t see what’s on the canvas. I can’t see what I’m losing.
Look at me too, please. Unless that’s too much to ask? Is it a burden? Can you watch me closely? Sorry.
My hands hurt. But I can’t stop.
No, this is all wrong. I need to keep it up, or else… or else….
Please don’t go. Please don’t go. Please don’t go. Please don’t go. Please don’t go. Please don’t go. Please don’t go. Ah, but no one’s listening….
The art exhibition is tomorrow. I’m worried.
The fumes are choking me. If I don’t open a window, will I die? But if I open a window….
They say drinking yellow paint will make you happy inside. But if my insides are already red, will drinking red paint make a difference?
They say that mistakes make art more beautiful. Or, they say it makes it more human. I wonder if that’s really true.
This is it. This is what I was made to doSurely, this is it.
Where am I? I can’t see, anymore… But if I stop, I’ll be…"

If anyone has any idea what order they should be in, or what this all means, I'd love to hear about it!


I'll drop this here in the comments since the lyrics overlapped. :)

Can you see the blood rushing from my veins?
Can you hear the voice that overwhelms my brain?
I don't know what else to do
When I'm stuck in a death loop
I'll throw it all away, rewrite my name
To start a new save

Now let the darkness turn to light
Coat the canvas in pure white
A blank slate for me to make something
Resoundingly great

Can you see the blood rushing from my veins?
It spurs with every brush stroke, blending with the pain

Oh, can you hear the voice that overwhelms my brain?
It forgos any logic, playing the insane

Yet all I do is paint
Eating away, this vermilion is all I paint
Toxic pigments smother all that remains

No it's not good enough, it's not pretty
All these thoughts that I have are so ugly,
Rip it up, try again until it's clean
High above where it's kept oh so pristine

Teenage aches of stunted growth
Linger on as I grow old

What's happening to me?
Paint reserves are getting low

I'll cut my heart wide open
And I'll become vermilion

Can you see the blood rushing from my veins?
It spurs with every brush stroke, blending with the pain
Oh, can you hear the voice that overwhelms my brain?
It forgos any logic, playing the insane
Yet all I do is paint
Eating away, this vermilion is all I paint
Toxic pigments smother all that remains




WHAT A BANGER!!!! And the SUBTITLES are genius, filling the whole screen with even more red!! Great job!

Also, another thing about the subtitles... Using them as yet another layer of storytelling is just marvelous.

Yes. I'm listening.


2. Hope your happy and healthy man


I can’t remember the last time there’s been a circus song without built in subtitles, let alone with YouTube subtitles that don’t show the lyrics normally. It’s wild
Edit: it works so so much better on pc oh my gosh 😭




This is so good 😭 It's like: Classic Circus x New Circus plus Kasane Teto?!?!

It's just so good I have no words. RAHHH


Until now I was under the incorrect assumption that vermilion was a shade of green. 😭


Can you see the blood rushing from my veins?
Can you hear the voice that overwhelms my brain?

I don't know what else to do
When I'm stuck in a death loop
I'll throw it all away, rewrite my name
To start a new save

Now let the darkness turn to light
Coat the canvas in pure white
A blank slate for me to make something
Resoundingly great

Can you see the blood rushing from my veins?
It spurs with every brush stroke, blending with the pain
Oh, can you hear the voice that overwhelms my brain?
It forgos any logic, playing the insane

Yet all I do is paint
Eating away, this vermilion is all I paint
Toxic pigments smother all that remains

No it's not good enough, it's not pretty
All these thoughts that I have are so ugly
Rip it up, try again until it's clean
High above where it's kept oh so pristine

Teenage aches of stunted growth
Linger on as I grow old
What's happening to me?
Paint reserves are getting low


I'll cut my heart wide open
And I'll become vermilion

Can you see the blood rushing from my veins?
It spurs with every brush stroke, blending with the pain
Oh, can you hear the voice that overwhelms my brain?
It forgos any logic, playing the insane

Yet all I do is paint
Eating away, this vermilion is all I paint
Toxic pigments smother all that remains
