Structures, Powers, and Functions of CONGRESS [AP Gov Review, Unit 2 Topic 2 (2.2)]

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AP HEIMLER REVIEW GUIDE (formerly known as the Ultimate Review Packet):

Additional HEIMLER REVIEW GUIDES (formerly known as Ultimate Review Packet):

Tiktok: @steveheimler
Instagram: @heimlers_history

In this video Heimler takes you through Unit 2 Topic 2 (2.2) of the AP Government curriculum, which is all about the structures, powers, and functions of Congress.

First, we look at the leadership structures in the House and the Senate. In the House we have the Speaker of the House, the majority and minority leaders, and the majority and minority whips. In the Senate, we have the President of the Senate (i.e., the Vice President of the United States), the president pro tempore, and the majority and minority leaders.

Additionally, we have a look at how the actual work of Congress gets done, which is to say, in committees. We look at the four different kinds of committees (standing committee, joint committee, conference committee, and select committee) and examples of each from the House and the Senate.
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Time Stamps for Studying
0:27 Policy Making
House Leadership
0:47 Speaker of the House
1:12 Parliamentary Procedure
1:38 Majority and Minority Leaders
2:02 Majority and Minority Whips
Senate Leadership
2:21 President of the Senate
2:41 President Pro Tempore
2:55 Majority and Minority Leaders
3:06 Calendar Assignments
Committees 3:23
4 Committee types
Standing Committee 3:41
4:00 Senate Appropriations Committee
4:15 House Ways and Means Committee
Joint Committees 4:23
Select Committees 4:46
Conference Committees 5:10
5:56 House Rules Committee
6:12 Committee of the Whole
Discharge Petition 6:25
6:41 Unlimited Debate
6:48 Filibuster
7:24 Cloture Rule
7:39 Unanimous Consent
How a bill becomes law 8:00
Non-Germane Rides 8:08
Pork Barrel Spending 8:18
Log-Rolling 8:34
Federal Budget
8:50 Mandatory Spending (Entitlements)
9:01 Discretionary Pending
9:15 Deficit Spending


Hey Mr. Heimler! I just want to thank u for getting me a 5 on the AP World test! Ur a beast 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


"Elaborate system of Congressional back-scratching" is one of the greatest phrases I've ever heard


you dont understand how helpful these are, thank you so much


I pointed out the mistake on the first video and I just want to compliment you for immediately recognizing and fixing the mistakes. Thanks for that and all that you do!


Yes! I love you Mr.Heimler! The one thing I did not know when I took my test on the legislative branch was committees, and thank god you are here to save me for the AP exam :)


Sir, you make these so funny and entertaining but informative, thank you for the future 5 on Monday!


Lee Michael Harris Eric Young Kimberly


Johnson Anthony Perez Jeffrey Wilson Kimberly


@Hiemler's History I had an idea about the ultimate review packet and the videos. Hear me out. You could put all the youtube videos on youtube but you could put them behind a pay wall (like the thing animated series do on youtube) and then if someone bought all the videos in the series they would have access to the ultimate review packet.
