Imperial Earth Apple; Erdapfel of Nuremberg (1492) + Ancient Disc Models of Earth & Globus Cruciger

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Howdy. Today we will discuss the Earth Apple, the oldest surviving labeled globe model of earth ever created. The Earth Apple, also known as Erdapfel, dates back to 1492 in Nuremberg.

However, the anomalies found on the original Earth Apple Globe are interesting and include multiple phantom landscapes which we will dive into today.

We will also examine the origin of the Globe itself, with ties back to the Holy Roman Empire and the Globus Cruciger. We will examine the relationship between different ancient earth models, and view the power associated with the Orb and Cross, and how this design was influenced by depictions of earth.

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Awesome video bro. I'm totally convinced that our realm is flat to mostly flat . The whole curved water thing was what did me in. That and I'm a heavy equipment operator I can see grade and slopes naturally. I see no curve anywhere.


I remember the first time in school the teacher telling us the earth was round the whole class was laughing and questioning it like it was crazy.


Another great video! I had a questionnaire pop up on my YouTube feed asking me to rate one of your videos.
I answered every one, informational, uplifting, calming, life changing, etc etc I gave you a thumbs up on every single one! I hope it helps your channel buddy I sometimes get your playlist and hit the play all button and let it roll all night 🌙


THIS is the format I like to see Jarid..
No still images without your thoughts.
No fluff.

Just all facts and your astonishment during your research !
A+ Bro


Great research Jarid. We love your vids of the old world (still pics), but definitely enjoy your research content aswell. All very intriguing.


Of the 100's of [if not thousands] videos I've seen, this is the best video on the topic in my opinion. Very righteous my man🤙Thank you


Thank you for your hard work... Knowledge is power . U gave me power


“I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing."

— Socrates.

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”

- J. Krishnamurti

Continue to explore and allow for new ideas and the possible. Thx Jarid


The globe theory drives me nuts. I'm a skydiver and I have never seen any evidence of the curvature or the earth spinning and I know pilots who feel the same. We are being lied to about the earth and I have no idea why. Maybe to keep us thinking inside the slave box.


8:30 Had never heard of Cipangu before, though immediately the name rang more like Singapore to me. Looking at the island's shape and since its more on the latitude of the tropic of cancer, i looked into the Philippines and voilà, it looks just like Manila island. A quick web search then gave me this blog entry from 2008 where it reads "Setsuko Matoba, a Madrid-based author, raises the intriguing theory that Zipangu could be a reference to the Philippines in her book "Zipangu and Japan". "
Apparently 'golden island' seems to match the Philippines more than Japan and this lady did the same as I did, looked into the shape of the island and the location on these old maps.


They taught us in school Chris Columbus was the only one with 🏀 big enough to sail where he did because everyone else thought they would fall off.


Great informational video, keep up the great work!


i watch all your content mate & love it all.
But you have knocked this one out of the park.

Simply awesome !


Ever tried to use a paper type map on a ship .... kinda hard to keep it still .... the globe was maps ready to use .... not the shape of the earth. Makes it easy to use where ever you may be on the sea, or use for teaching ... A Map You could spin around, no need to fold up when done, like compasses tells the directions . Globes show lands and waters of interests.


Great Stuff Jarid!!! Keep up the good work. 🙂👍


Thank you Jarid ❤ This was very interesting to learn about and see pictures of.


That really was fantastic to watch, thankyou so much :)


love your new vids with you talking . Your a smart guy keep backing yourself


One more. I watched a leak project podcast years back with a native elder who was from southwest u
S. His elders passed down stories of when the "roman jews" came to America and énlaved many of their people. I wish I could recall which guest it was. But it was definitely a Navaho I believe or somewhere around that region of southern Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.


I am convinced the Earth is round, standing on top of Aconcagua, with a very decent binoculars, I could not see Cape Town. In fact, I could no even see Rio. A flat earth has some magic, like if you go far enough to will find a place where there are no Big Macs or even politicians. A sight to wish for indeed.
