Cura v5.4 - Improved Tree Supports & Easy Breakaway Brims

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Chuck shows you the new features in Cura V5.4 including improved tree supports and easy breakaway brims. He also shares a new profile on this week's Filament Friday.

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I found a few errors in my video yesterday so I updated it and released it here.


I find it amazing that Cura is a free tool that gets updated so often. Not complaining 😅


CHEP - you were so right about the support breaking away cleaner now. Thanks for the free knowledge!


I downloaded your .16 Profile and tried it. Test it on a few cubes and other simple shapes. Didn't change any settings and came out pretty awesome. My printer is a snapmaker 350 FYI. I love all the videos and they are extremely helpful as I'm about 6 months into 3D printing and new to the sector. Keep up the great work💪🇺🇲


Thanks a bunch for all the info, Chuck! 😊
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊


Loving these videos, super informative
I've had my printer for 2 weeks have wasted almost 250g of filament trying to get things to print now that ive found your videos ive been able to solve a ton of my issues. thanks for your cura profiles hoping this solves all my issues now!!


thanks Chuck. The 5.4 profiles came right on time. I was getting some weird issues using the 5.3 o the 5.4. Strange and not every time so maybe it was something else. Anyway thanks as always


Thanks chep you are my 3d printing god since I started 1 years ago


I am somewhat worried about the usefulness of the brim. If it is that easy to remove by hand, then how would it help with preventing warping and peeling, arguably the reason why it exists in the first place?


How does the "smart brim" actually work? 1) Is it printing the brim in a different order? (maybe partly from inside to outside that I'd expect would result in better line positioning) 2) Is it reducing the flow? 3) Maybe reversing brim print direction? 4) Did they just increase the brim distance?
Answers, as I've now looked at "Standard Quality" profile in Cura 5.4:
1) Yes. It still starts printing the brim from outside line towards innermost line (which ensures complete purging and consistent flow). The only difference is that at the the end it swaps the order so that it prints the innermost line right before the second innermost line.
2) No. 3) No.
4) No. However, for an even cleaner break than in this video, I'd strongly recommend adding a 0.1-0.3mm "Brim Distance" in your own profiles.
Finally, 20 brim lines is so overkill that you could easily reduce that to ~8. I have success with 4 brim lines but that's admittedly on the low side and I have an ok PEI bed.


man I was having a heck of a time printing some mini figures for someone, the fine details kept breaking when removing supports no matter what I tried. Finally at the 11th hour, I see the notification for Cura 5.4 with "improved supports" and wouldn't you know, it saved the day. Not sure specifically "what" it was, but seemed like previously some areas just didn't get supports that clearly needed it, or they just wouldn't stick or there would be so much "cocoon" to remove I would eventually knock off something. but the supports 5.4 used were less intrusive and easier to remove (and placed where needed)


On the topic of ease of breakaway and supports, I've been having a lot of success printing with normal supports and setting 0 for the number of wall lines. While tree supports can be nice, I prefer printing normal supports without walls with the zig zag pattern for consistent support removal. It can take longer to remove the supports as they dont always breakaway in one piece, but I'm able to get my needlenose between the walls of the zig zag pattern and have a great grip when removing support material without having to worry about breaking the rest of the print. I can really yank on them without worry.
I don't think I've seen you talk about the idea before, might be something interesting for you to try.


I ❤ you Chep your like the Bob Villa of 3D printing... (No offense) Bless your channel!


I just have horrible under extrusion when I started using cura 5.x, mostly at the zseam.
Corners are also "fuzzy"/ don't print nicely


Good video, but I've somehow left Cura behind since I've been getting along better with OrcaSlicer. 🤔😅


Hello, i am looking for some aid in resolving a strange issue between Cura, tree supports, and settings? Its a basic issue. On standing objects using Tree supports on build plate, there are small missing segments in the layers when moving from the tree support, back to printed part, during operation.
Im not sure where to look, or how to best explain this issue, but ive watched MANY of your vids, and enjoy the in-depth and detailed instructions. Weve only been at it a few months, and have been VERY satisfied with our modded ender 3, and very nice prints. There is only an issue when using the trees? They are best for our use cases. Any help would be genuinely, dearly appreciated. Thank you, and keep up the spectacular content!!!❤


Hey Chep!
Are you planning to make a video for the Ender 3 V3 SE?
That Printer looks quiet nice.


@CHEP are you working on cura k1 profiles yet?


Great functional video Chuck, but disagree on skirts - I use them quite effectively to prevent warping, especially for long skinny prints. Not as effective on tall large prints - an enclosed printer will be better. That's why I'm looking hard at the K1 max as the successor to my highly modded original CR-10.


For some reason the .12 profile wont (even ask to) load as a project. Just loads a model
