The way zgusting does its guitar when mohzaikk is quieter, and then mohzaikk’s horn when zgusting is quieter is amazing MrBig
The way zgusting does its guitar when mohzaikk is quieter, and then mohzaikk’s horn when zgusting is quieter is amazing
Who agrees with me msm should add both these monsters? ooveryy
Who agrees with me msm should add both these monsters?
Missed opportunity to have zguSting’s eyes drip poison when they’re squeezed. amauro
Missed opportunity to have zguSting’s eyes drip poison when they’re squeezed.
Somehow dubstep and horns mix well together 😮 ultrasdfthecrazative
Somehow dubstep and horns mix well together 😮
if they sounded like this, that would be 100 times better Pitzooone
if they sounded like this, that would be 100 times better
Bro they both my favorite I lovevthem dude❤ mateejeditoe
Bro they both my favorite I lovevthem dude❤
It works so well because they’re the same monster with different instruments plantimations
It works so well because they’re the same monster with different instruments
Ngl Mohzaikk sounds like the dst farming theme. Kylethemanl
Ngl Mohzaikk sounds like the dst farming theme.
Rafioactive squidward is like vhenshun because they both have multiple noises Meandpigeoncoolio
Rafioactive squidward is like vhenshun because they both have multiple noises
YOOO THE SOUND IS COOL how did you know that was cool duet adamdamienacosta
YOOO THE SOUND IS COOL how did you know that was cool duet
broo he fits the vibe of unstable so well grey.tmc.
broo he fits the vibe of unstable so well
Bro this is tye best duet ive ever seen and heard joshuapowell
Bro this is tye best duet ive ever seen and heard
This is the best combo and nobody will talk me out of it Wybox-Blue
This is the best combo and nobody will talk me out of it
It sounds like a villain song mixed with a rock song Humbug
It sounds like a villain song mixed with a rock song
What other people see on zgusting:normal Me:horrifying gas mask emelitolituco
What other people see on zgusting:normal Me:horrifying gas mask
Isn't it weird that all of the fanmade monsters need to have a "duu, DUU, duu, DUU, duu, DUU, duu, DUU" part otmjzpf
Isn't it weird that all of the fanmade monsters need to have a "duu, DUU, duu, DUU, duu, DUU, duu, DUU" part
There should be a part where mohzaikk shows behind the mirror or zgusting stings himself😮 jackslym
There should be a part where mohzaikk shows behind the mirror or zgusting stings himself😮