Giovanni Bortoluzzi - Igil and Tuvan Throat singing (Practicing)

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Near the river Piave, in Nervesa (TV - ITALY)

Kargyraa has been always natural for me, yet the khorekteer voice is something I'm still not able to do. Anyways, singing overtones is something that always gives me joy and positive energy.

#overtonesinging #throatsinging #tuvanthroatsinging #tuvanigil #sygyt #kargyraa #cantodifonico
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As a Tuvan, I really liked the way you perform khöömei, and also learned from the Tuvans to play on igil


Hello Giovanni. Can you tell me some specifications of your Igil please? What is the max diameter of the sound box, length of soundbox and depth of sound box. What is the scale length (bridge to nut) and what is the total length of the instrument. I would like to build one. Can you share your email address please?
