Giovanni Bortoluzzi - Igil and Tuvan Throat singing (Practicing)

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Near the river Piave, in Nervesa (TV - ITALY)
Kargyraa has been always natural for me, yet the khorekteer voice is something I'm still not able to do. Anyways, singing overtones is something that always gives me joy and positive energy.
#overtonesinging #throatsinging #tuvanthroatsinging #tuvanigil #sygyt #kargyraa #cantodifonico
Kargyraa has been always natural for me, yet the khorekteer voice is something I'm still not able to do. Anyways, singing overtones is something that always gives me joy and positive energy.
#overtonesinging #throatsinging #tuvanthroatsinging #tuvanigil #sygyt #kargyraa #cantodifonico
Giovanni Bortoluzzi & Roberto Magnani - Tuvan Igil and Pentatonic minor Flute
Giovanni Bortoluzzi - Western Overtone singing and Tuvan Igil
Giovanni Bortoluzzi - Igil and Tuvan Throat singing (Practicing)
Ezengileer & Borbangnadyr (hybrid European/Tuvan style) by Giovanni Bortoluzzi
Giovanni Bortoluzzi - Greensleeves with Polyphonic Overtone Singing
Giovanni Bortoluzzi & Simona Manias - Overtone singing in Venice
Two SoundMen - Two Minutes - feat. Giovanni Bortoluzzi
CANTO DIFONICO - Frère Jacques with Overtone Singing - Giovanni Bortoluzzi & Walter Mantovani
Handpan (major scale) & Overtone singing - Luana Donadel & Giovanni Bortoluzzi
Polyphonic Overtone Singing - Greensleeves - Canto Difonico armonico avanzato - Giovanni Bortoluzzi
Brothers in Overtones - Improvisation in the Forest - feat. Giovanni Bortoluzzi
Le interviste di MusicAlchimiA - il CANTO ARMONICO DIFONICO con Giovanni Bortoluzzi
TUTORIAL CANTO ARMONICO (difonico): Lezione 2 - EAR TRAINING con Giovanni Bortoluzzi
17 участник - Giovanni Bortoluzzi (Italy)
Overtone Singing / Udu drum / Jaw Harp - Giovanni B. Bortoluzzi (armonici, scacciapensieri e udu)
Igil und Ney am schönen Herbst-Sonntag-Vormittag
canto difonico Tuvano - Dag Kargyraa (Tuvan throat singing) Каргыраа
Major Pentatonic Scale /w Overtone Singing
Cinque anni dopo. Ricordo di Giovanni Bortoluzzi.
Kargyraa & Overtone Singing - Giovanni B.Bortoluzzi
Canto Difonico Tuvano - Sygyt (Tuvan throat singing - Overtone Singing) Сыгыт
Byrlang/Byrlangnaar style - Three notes at the same time - Tuvan Throat Singing
Arti e Tradizioni (Torino) - CANTO DIFONICO WORKSHOP - 29 e 30 aprile 2023
Differenza tra canto armonico e canto degli armonici (o difonico)