Rattlesnake Calls Interrupt Our Social Lives

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Having a 24/7 Rattlesnake Removal hotline means we are all over the place ... 24/7! Follow Jeff, Marissa, and Bryan as they are called out from or to parties for removal calls.

Tools we use every day to save rattlesnakes:

Fenix Flashlights:
Use Coupon Code: AFRATTLE for 10% off your order

SNAP Mounts:

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I’ve definitely had a change of heart/mind re: rattlesnakes due to this channel. I no longer have this paralyzing fear, as I now realize they’re not after me, aren’t gonna luck in my door n the middle of the night or stalk me on wooded walks/hikes. If I’m smart about where I put part of my body )hands and feet, pervs) and just be mindful of my surrounds and keep my eyes/ears open, I should be okay. I do believe they’d rather get away from me, the same way I’d rather hide/flee from a T-Rex or anything way bigger than me. They know I’m not a meal and nothing they want to waste time biting. They only be defending themselves against me, or any other human. I love seeing the interactions with homeowners, and how chill everyone seems to be. As always, I enjoy seeing Marissa do her thing in that upbeat, joyful way she does. Just fun to watch. Bryan always puts out the level-headed knowledge, which has helped/changed me more than anything. Knock on wood, but I’ve not had a snake-related nightmare in the 10-11 months I’ve been subscribed to/regularly viewed by this channel. Marissa, we’re you thinking about a drag race for a second there? You had this cool “I can take him” look on your face and I was like “punch it, girl!” 😂😁


I appreciate all the tips in the videos on how to find a suitable spot to release a wayward snake. I never knew so much consideration should be taken on aspects like the age and sex of the snake as well as time of year and even time of day. I appreciate all you guys do for the native herps.


Thank you for helping both the snakes and those who ask for your help. I'm still have a personal fear of snakes I'm glad there are people like yourselves who are there to help them out of bad scenarios.


Marissa is really good at getting snakes and being so happy to see a speckle


We moved to Vail two years ago and were deathly afraid of encountering rattle snakes. In our ignorance, the plan was to kill if we saw one. Fortunately we found your videos before that ever happened. We now own tongs and containers in case we can’t encourage them to move along on their own. Thank you for educating us.


Every snake deserves their own umbrella on hot days. ❤


Your videos have been incredibly helpful. We were mortified of the rattlesnakes here when moving to the desert, even though we have them in TX too, I only saw one in 30 years. 2 years in the desert and it has been nearly 10 or so, all but one were Mojave rattlers. I finally bought a set of tongs and a bucket... the last one got relocated, watching your videos on how to safely handle them. Also your video on snake fence was super useful. I have dogs, and within days of finishing the snake barrier, there was a Mojave rattlesnake right by the new snake gate, dogs immediately behind it, sniffing the snake. I have taken them to aversion training since then and had two encounters not long ago with the dogs loose. One gopher snake and one very grumpy young WDB, and they didn't get near it. We live very remote, so finding a release place is just a matter of walking a few hundred feet.


I live in Alaska. We have garter snakes in Anchorage. I love watching and learning about what you do. Thanks.


To the Rattlesnake Solutions team. Love the videos and the passion you guys show for protecting the snakes. Keep up the great work and be safe out there.


Y'all have such an awesome team and always love your videos!!


This channel is such a valuable resource. I really hope your business continues to thrive.


I love learning about snakes because I have always been scared of them. Now I know to respect them❤


I like the details about normal and unusual snake behavior, size, coloration, etc. -- thanks!


I’m terrified of snakes stemming from a bad encounter as a child. I live in Surprise, AZ most of the year. I have learned so much from Rattlesnake Solutions. I’m still scared but not horrified. I find your work fascinating; I’m glad it is on my iPad screen😅


Those dark gopher snakes are gorgeous!!!


Hey Melissa, I was expecting you to find one of those gopher snakes smoking a cigarette 😂.


Your vids have helped me a lot!! Most of “my yard” is natural desert (mojave) and the snakes don’t have to be moved far. I just don’t like them around my clearing where my house is. Awesome channel, it’s by far a favorite and is my fave as far as snake channels go.


I have a 1000% better attitude about snakes since watching these videos. A lot of it has to do with being able to safely observe how snakes actually act, as opposed to what my high school civics teacher told us. He was a hunter who HATED snakes. 🐍 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍


I've learned so much about rattlesnakes from your channel. I don't fear them anymore. I respect them, and I don't want them wondering into my yard, but I will no longer be freaked out by them. I also love watching all the snake-catching adventures.


i am glad that you guys save the snakes, there would be so many destroyed without you`ll.
