Vlog 219: War in Ukraine. World War 3? Iran, Saudi Arabia, russia, China and the nukes.

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Real life stories about russian war against independent Ukraine. Short war stories that the world needs to know. Ask your questions and get your answers. I am not a professional vlogger, but I feel YouTube community needs more truth. Stand with Ukraine!
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Gorgeous hair! Ww3 hasn’t started, you Ukrainians are preventing it for the sake of all of us. Stay strong and full support from California! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇦


Good evening Anna. Will start by saying thanks to the Ukrainian people. Their heroic courage has prevented World War 3. You stood up against terror and opened the eyes of Europe. There is only one way this can The terrorist state must be defeated. Together we will do it. Slava Ukraini 💙💛


Thanks Anna.
If it takes a wider war to preserve the integrity of Ukraine, there is a good enough reason for it.
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


This conflict must not end until Ukraine gets its territory back, and Russia pays for damages. Glory to Ukraine from Romania.


Hi Anna I’m impressed by your intelligence and everyday positivity despite the horrendous circumstances! I also admire your creativity and efforts to find something nice to wear which is probably not so easy with daily vlogs! Free independent Ukraine 🇺🇦


Definitely agree - you look back prior to 1939 and you see a lot of troubling signs that nobody thought would actually lead to war. Piece by piece they started adding up though. I hope it's not the case now, but it's hard to see a way back for Russia from this point. I'm not even convinced that Putin "falling out a window" would solve this - as there seems to be several hard-liners around him that might go even further than he has. Also - echo the comments below, your hair looks amazing, great choice!


Rather than the begining of WW3, it sometimes feels like the dying gasp of the USSR.
The location of the observer cetainly influences this, and from where you are sitting Anna, i understand fully why it should feel like WW3.


Love your hair that way. Stay safe. Slava Ukraine


Hello sorry this is happening .. I am old man and will not live long . Anna I hope this is over soon and you and your people don't have to suffer much more .
I think you're right about the 3rd world war . All I can do is pray for the good .


Ukraine is always in our families prayers. You will prevail! Keep faith. We send to you and all Ukrainians our support from Miami, in the great state of Florida!


The Third World War has lay latent with dormant moments for many years. It has been bubbling in various locations until 2022 where its ugly face is visible. Anna your words each day, the diverse and cultural videos are integral to fighting this madness. Your words are well thought out and I am grateful that despite horendous months you continue to update and educate me.


I am very confident that Russia will be stopped; throughout human history, right/good have always triumph over might/evil!!
Slava Ukraine 💙 💛


From the first moment I saw the attack on Mariupol and the bombing of so many hospitals, and Zelensky’s calls for help, I was like WW III, f… it. We have to help come what may. I guess Justice won over Peace in my system. No Justice, no peace. Restore the borders, prosecute the criminals.


Love, honor, and respect from Texas, America!! Glory to the heroes. Slava Ukraini!!!


Wow. Your new hair looks nice. Cheers for the vid. Slava Ukraini.


Loving the twisty hair Anna! As a member of Generation X in the West, we grew up with the threat of WW3 and nuclear Armageddon hanging over us all the time. We had films like Dr Strangelove (Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb), When the wind blows, The day after, Threads, Red Dawn, and numerous B movies. I understand from my Ukrainian Gen X guest that this wasn't a thing during the Soviet occupation of Ukraine, I would imagine because nuclear war is a sign of failure, and while it's OK to suggest such failure in the West, it wouldn't be possible to do the same in the USSR. Incidentally, it was the realism in films like Threads and The day after, which helped convince Reagan to reach out to Gorbachev and seek a reduction in the number of warheads. In the late 70's and early 80's in the UK, we had government information campaigns advising what to do should the bombs drop, and how to avoid fallout! When the wind blows was based on the information from these leaflets, showing the contradictory advice given, such as removing all your inner doors to make a shelter by leaning them against a wall, while also advising to keep all doors closed to prevent fire spreading! One thing to remember when watching these films; keep sharp items away from you for at least an hour after you've finished, they are very bleak!


I was very interested in the history of WWII, but I honestly believed that such horrific events cannot repeat in this day and age. Needless to say, my naive worldview was absolutely shattered on the 24th of February. There's no active war in my country, but it's in my thoughts every single day. I cannot fathom the fact that even after 9 months of this, there are people still supporting russia. It's appaling. If we won't deal with the enemy now, we'll have to go through this all over again in a decade or even less. russia will not change even if putins dead and it will be a constant threat on our doorstep.


I think you are right Anna, all freedom and justice lovers all over the world must stand united in the face of this evil !

Thanks for daily videos


This is good vs evil.May the good prevail!Glory to Ukraine!


war never stops. I do not know of any place or time in the earth's history, that there has not been a war. It is the human condition and strong men thrive where weak men succumb. Be strong and think of your children's futures - never give up the fight
