Your First Quilt Part 4: Trim and Make Binding

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I don't know that Melanie's family reads all the comments here, but I just wanted to say what a wonderful spirit she had on her videos. I'm learning to make my first quilt and this has helped so much. I have also been fighting breast cancer and was so saddened to hear of her passing. What an amazing legacy she has left and she will be helping others still for years to come! Thank you for sharing her talents!! 💗


Thank you, your legacy is living in all our projects. Whoever is taking this blog over for Melanie, I thank you and send healing hugs and prayers.


Please never take this down! So many people will benefit from it! ❤️


Just found this channel and wow she was so great to do these videos. Her legacy will live on in these videos and new people like me finding this. Love to her family


So glad Melanie’s tutorials are still available, she was an amazing teacher. Still my go to when ever I do projects. Thinking of her family and friends who must miss her so much. Xx


Agree. Melanie was one of a kind. She was just so gifted. Please keep the videos living on.


Just wanted to thank you for these videos, I just have the binding to do. Mine is a queen size quilt.
It is my first quilt ever but I do have a good reason for doing it that big. My husband died a year ago
and I had all his shirts in the wardrobe and I just could not give them away ....and I came
across your tutorial...there was my answer...I cut all the shirts in a 7x7 inches square and started this project.
As I was cutting I could remember my hand on each shirt while he was wearing them...
Honestly I did not have much hope but I had to try. I went about it very slowly and following your steps.
Well it's not perfect but it looks great and will be my bedspread from now on so I can feel him near me.
Thank you so much for your help, if not for you I would not have this incredible souvenir. I just have a question,
since it's bigger should I make the binding a little wider or keep it at 2 inches and a half ?
Thank you again ! x


My Mom is the quilter in the family. She is no longer able to do so, so I've inherited her 30 year old well loved and well taken care of bernina. I found some fabrics she was saving to use and have decided to make her a quilt. These videos are fantastic. Thank you Melanie!


Omg Please keep making these beginners videos. I cant wait to do my quilt. Then I want to learn how to crochet.


I use this video every time I'm ready to bind a quilt and just learned today of Melanie's passing. My deepest condolences to Melanie's family and YouTube family as well. I hope all who loved her take comfort knowing she made the world a better place. Melanie's First Quilt videos got me through the pandemic. It was an honor to learn from her.


Melanie was and is my go to for quilting. Her videos literally taught me how to make my very first quilt. I've made several quilts to date but I still come back to these videos. Rip Melanie


After the loss of my wonderful husband, I am making a quilt out of his favourite T shirts. Just the binding to do now. I can not thank you enough for all your advice Melanie. I will be taking the quilt on my camping trips too 😊


1st quilt tutorial I ever watched and the first quilt I ever made. Still gets daily use. Thank you Melanie and know that these videos will be watched for a long, long time. Blessing’s and Love to your family and know you are missed and left a legacy.


My heart and prayers go out to this precious woman’s family. I love Melanie’s videos and have learned so much by following them. Thank you for keeping her videos alive so she may continue teaching us.


This sweet lady should be a Home Economics Teacher. She is super easy to understand. I'm so glad I found her.


I’m starting my first quilt rewatching these to see this weekend now that I have everything ready to go.


Thank you Melanie for this tutorial. Im still using your videos years after I first watched them to make my first quilt. Your way of explaining is second to none and as a beginner I totally appreciate it. I know you’re gone, but you live on in your videos. Thank you for making them and sharing them with us 🧵


So thankful to be able to watch and learn. What a gifted teacher. Thank you for keeping Melanie’s quilting lessons available.


I came across this series of tutorials by chance - or should I say, by amazing luck. I got down to work straightaway - Melanie has made it so easy and straightforward. I’d tried once before and wish I had seen this before .. I was able to make a 90 square quilt in a weekend. I wanted to come back to thank Melanie and was very sad to see that she is no longer here. Thank you to her family for allowing her words to live on and help and inspire beginners like me.


These are the BEST beginner quilt video series I have found!!! ...And believe me, I’ve searched the entire web for someone to just give me a simple, to the point, quick first quilt! This is even two years old but that just doesn’t matter. So may I say with a grateful, happy and extremely Blessed heart ...Bravo💜
