Anne Dean Turk Fine Arts Dedication with Van Cliburn 1989
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Saturday, December 9, 1989. Kilgore, Texas. Dedication of the Anne Dean Turk Fine Arts Center at Kilgore College. Inaugural Event of the East Texas Enrichment Series at Kilgore College. Also honoring Van Cliburn and Mrs. Rildia Bee O'Bryan Cliburn who are in attendance. Extended remarks about Kilgore by Van Cliburn (1951 graduate of Kilgore High School). Musical performances by Ann Heiligman Saslav, piano and Isidor Saslav, violin. Also, vocal performance by Bill Holda, tenor, and Jeanne Johnson, soprano. Other speakers: B.E. Woodruff, president of Kilgore College / Robert Barbee, Mayor of Kilgore / Bill Holda, Kilgore College faculty member and former Dir. of Fine Arts at KC. [This footage provided by Annette Davies Morgan of Kilgore, TX...former piano student of Mrs. Cliburn and friend of the Cliburn family.]