Ken Langone on social media crackdown of rhetoric that incites violence

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Words are powerful. They can start fights, hurt others, bless people and leave lasting memories. While I'm no poet, it’s clear words, whether beautifully or poorly crafted, have the power to build or destroy. Words can inspire or unite groups, leaving a positive mark on humanity, as seen through historical events and exhibits in museums. But they have also fueled horrific acts like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and the atrocities of the Jewish death camps. People can be inspired to do things...never considered possible before...when the right words are the right time.

Race has often been an excuse for terrible actions, but truly, those were just excuses tyrants used to harm those they despised. If it wasn't race, they would have found another reason. People are people...race should not matter...its a reflection of who people are...not what people are...and that's the difference which matters most.

I believe words matter greatly. The more skilled the speaker, the more influential their words...for better or worse. Whether it's a beautiful church testimony or a harsh violent rant...people are listening and can be influenced. We all need to check ourselves and be mindful of what we say because there are always others listening. I may not be a successful spokesman or a gifted orator, but I know that words are the bridge between understanding and action. What we say today can fuel the actions of tomorrow...developing the memories for people everywhere.

So before speaking words which someone might regret...take a moment to breath and reflect. Speak when the fire has cooled; never speak when the fire rages. Words matter, and the way to hold ourselves accountable is to speak

Your Thoughts…



I for one, will never ever buy at the Home Depot. This is the only language these people understand. Money, Financial gain...there is no end to their greed...I just wonder, why? why so much greed, it is not like we are going to take it to our graves...It must be a mental sickness...


Hey CNBS. You left out a lot of what Mr Langone had to say. Why not show the complete interview so we can hear him say how bad the education system is in this country.
Hear him say how teachers need to work harder with their students.
Langone left out how single parent households are ruining children and how welfare has come back to bite us.


Why do people continue to give guys like this a platform, he contributed plenty of money to make sure that Republican candidates push his agenda. This guy wants cuts to social security and he pushes charter schools.


Lest we forget, these are our grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, sisters, Brothers, cousins, nephews, it's all of us we are all Americans first


We lived without social media, since time began. I think it's caused a lot of problems, including communication problems and it should be banned. It's totally unnecessary.


What are people so afraid about ? Talk is cheap and we should not fear it. Twitter is wrong to muzzle speech.


What. A. Joker.
I'm shocked that he didn't spend 20 minutes talking about being Italian just to say that he's only American, now get out!


Jon Najarian promotes division and hate in his Twitter and he is still on CNBC.


Right, BUT. Who call for hate. We are hearing this form CNN, CBS CNBC etc.. No peace till What. Where is the PROOF, All I hear is he said she said. If you had ANY Proof you would be showing it over and over again.. But all you can do is TALK. Using Talking Points. We don't believe you anymore.


If he had been doing his job he wouldn't have had so much time to hang out on twitter. You could usually find him either there or on the golf course.
