8 Animals You'll NEVER See At The Zoo!

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From common birds, to newly discovered mammals, here are 8 animals you won't ever see in a zoo or aquarium. Some just might surprise you!!

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8. Indri
In Madagascar, there is a Lemur species known as the Indri, and all attempts to try and put them into captivity have failed. The Indri is one of the largest species of lemurs and it can weigh between 6-10 kg. They are monogamous and live in small groups and are famous for their black and white coat.

7. Pink Fairy Armadillo
Coming in at 4 inches long, and having a unique shell that is vastly different from other Armadillos, you'd think that the Pink Fairy Armadillo would be easy to catch and keep in captivity, no problem!! But you would be wrong. In fact, over the many attempts to bring this creature into captivity, few survive very long, and several have died just from trying to get from their native country of Argentina to the zoos around the world.

6. Giraffe Weevil
Bugs are very popular at zoos, and getting rare species is always a plus for them to get more visitors, but you shouldn't expect the Giraffe Weevil to be in them anytime soon.
The reason for this is simple. Like the Indri, the Giraffe Weevil is native to Madagascar, and they spend much of their entire lives on a single tree species: The Giraffe Beetle Tree. They eat the leaves of this tree, and nothing else.

5. Saola
In Vietnam and Laos, there is a creature so rare that it has only been scientifically documented in the wild 4 times, and there have only been one or 2 pictures taken of it so don’t be surprised to not see that many images of it in here!! The Saola is known as the Asian Unicorn, and is critically endangered because we honestly don't know how many of them are out there.

4. Swallows
Swallows are pretty familiar birds, found almost everywhere around the world. They are very unique and are one of the few species of bird that rarely ever land on the ground or in trees. In fact, the only times they aren't in the air is when they are very young and still in the nest, or sleeping.

3. Blobfish
The Blobfish is actually a very unique specimen when it comes to the world we live in. The Blobfish is a type of deep sea fish that lives off the coast of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. They live at depths between 600 and 1,200 m (2,000 and 3,900 ft) which has an incredible amount of pressure.

2. Blue Whale
One of the biggest factors in determining what animals go into a zoo or aquarium is the question of size, and to that end, animals like the Blue Whale will never end up in a zoo or aquarium because they’re just too big. Just like other kinds of whales. Many people argue that Orcas are too big to be kept in captivity as well. Even though they are, it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

1. Great White Shark
One of the most legendary animals on Earth today, you'd think zoos and aquariums would be doing all that they could to get a Great White Shark in within their tanks. Especially since other sharks are a part of various sea exhibits all over the world, even whale sharks which are pretty big. But the fact of the matter is, the Great White Shark is one of the few animals on Earth that can literally not be contained, in the same line as the Blue Whale.

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Hey everyone, which animal would you like to see most in real life?


Like all “Lemores” they’re only found in “Madegascerr” [Speech 10000/100]


They didn’t mention the Blue Whale. I don’t think an Aquarium that large will ever be built !


I feel bad for the blob fish, he ain’t ugly🥺leave him alone he’s doin his best


“Like most in the lemmer family”

“The Lee-more comes from Madagaskerrrr”


Katrina: says that blob fish are the ugliest
Blob fish: makes sad face


I don’t think I’ve ever heard so many mispronunciations of such common words like lemur and Madagascar


8 Animals You'll never see in a zoo! But but.. there were 10.


I dont know how I feel about watching an info show that can’t count...


2:43 th sign says UICN but the narrator said IUCN


You won't see a street cat or a house lizard at the zoo.


the narrator is amazing. i love her. she’s so shady towards humans. which we deserve since we destroy so many beautiful things.


I may be mistaken but Im pretty sure the blob fish looks much different in its natural habitat than what is shown here.



The lady in this video: Madagascerr


The blobfish reminds me of a little old man, I think he's cute.


8 animals you won’t see at the zoo

Woman at the start
Here are 10 animals you won’t see in the zoo
Visible Confusion


It sounds like the Indri Lemur experiences depression when in captivity. This isn't a joke either. Especially because they operate on circadian diet cycles with specific foods. The monogamous relationships seen in Indri Lemurs seems to back up my hypothesis of depression in captivity, as an Indri lemur would be without it's partner. I would be interested to see a deeper look into the Indri Lemurs lifestyle and habits and further information about its life in captivity. I would love to see a unobtrusive study on these Lemurs as it seems to me that they operate in very similar fashion as humans do.


“No ones seen this animal in years so that’s why they’re not in zoos”

Well duh


We should do something to protect all critical and endangered species of animals


That’s so funny. When I saw this video, I instantly thought of the Soala. (I did a project on them a long time ago in middle school. I’m not really sure why it stuck with me.)
