Harbor Freight Bender Hacks, Tips and Tricks!

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Let's take a look through all the bending hacks, tips and tricks. The Harbor Freight pipe bender can also bend tube with the methods seen in this video! This video will no doubt be controversial lol this might be the most hated tool on the internet!

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#harborfreight #tubebender #pipebender
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Very informative video. Since you prefer/strongly suggest, working the machine ‘horizontally’, as do I, buy the Harbor Freight, or any brand, ‘Engine Stand’, used or new, and BOLT the Bender to it, and you not only have a ‘Horizontal’ Bender, you also can ROTATE the Bender to achieve ‘Compound Angles’ in your work. And the Bender is in a comfortable STANDING working height, for healthier ergonomics. Also, you can drill holes through the Engine Stands Legs to put All-Thread, or Long Bolts with Jam Nuts, to make fully adjustable ‘Leveling Legs’. It’s easily maneuverable, and when you unbolt the Bender, you also have an extra, or still have, a fully functional Engine Stand, and stand alone Pipe Bender. I’m sure a person with your Fabrication Skills, had an ‘A-HA’ moment, and completely visualized in your head, exactly what I described. By the way I’ve subscribed. Thanks for the videos.


Clamping a piece on top with a u-bolt works great. I did that and now I can bend without kinking or distorting the pipe. Great vid


When bending any pipe make sure the weld seam is always on side not the top or inside the bend, , the weld seam had become harder and will not bend/stretch like the rest of the pipe causing a collapse or kinks.


I have hopes after watching this video...always been the type of person that has the mentality "if you want it done right, get the right tools for the job" type of guy...BUT when it comes down to not knowing anything about bending tube and the fact that I'm not going to be bending tube every other weekend...makes sense to have patience and figure out how to use another cheap alternative...all I want it for is to bend some sliders and a bumper. Great vid man!


Man you put my mind at ease. I'm just starting learning fabrication and bought a decent welder and this cheapo 16 ton bender. Was worried I just screwed myself out of 120 bucks but after watching this my bends look almost decent


I’ve had extremely good luck with packing the tube with sand. All you have to do is throw a little duct tape over the end then run around the tube with the tape at the end and IT WILL hold the sand in. Sounds crazy but it will. Another trick I always used was to get a bucket and wet the sand down before you pack it in the tube. It packs way tighter wet! Lol ive got good results using this wet sand and duct tape method.


Built complete exhaust system for my truck, Lay a piece of old carpet in dye or possibly rubber.I used old carpet and my ex. pipes came out beautiful.


Good video, camera work and audio. No annoying hard rock music blaring. Most youtube videos are ruined by ridiculous music.


Excellent videos. Straight to the point without stupid music or interruptions.


I’ve used mine for many years and I’ve never had a problem with kinks maybe a little bit of a flat spot in tight bends. These are all good ideas and can help I’m sure


Here's a useful hack I got from another vid... guy mounted the bender to an old engine stand. Just a tube welded to the bottom of the baseplate. That let him use it flat like this, but at waist height so he didn't have to kneel on the floor to use it. Plus he could rotate it if needed to make it easier to work with longer material.


I built stockcars in the early 60s. I filled the pipe with sand - capped both ends. Thats all we had were benders like the Harbor Frieght bender


A brief but thorough video presentation on how to get the most out of a cheap, limited tool to produce quality results. Excellent video!


You are exactly right. Taking your time and having patience is the secret. The stinger looks perfect. Pipe size is great. Another very good video .


Any and all Fab tips are good. That's the exact reason I've never purchased that tool. Thanks for the pointers. I've been in the welding & Fab field all my life, & one never learns it all.


Great video. I’ve been a welder/fabricator for years and have one of these. The packing with sand trick works for tubing better. And just tack a cap on either end when you have packed it. A piece of flat bar or something will work for temp caps. Great video man.


Thanks for the video it motivated me to try it! Went out and bought the 16 ton pipe bender. Used it for a few bends. Let me tell you it take a LONG time to do a decent bend on 1.5" tubing with a Harbor Freight pipe bender. Also, no matter how slow I went, no matter how many passes with small bends and tighter or more spread out bend marks, it leaves indentions on the tubing. If you go a little too much it will dent (or crease/kink if you really go far). The 16 ton cost me $180 plus tax and driving/tolls to go get it. Just my advice for anyone who can afford a little more money, go buy a JD2.com TUBING bender with the die size for what you're bending. You can get the manual bender with one 90 degree die for about $500-600. I went all out and bought a Swag air to hydraulic ram setup with Swag angle meter with multiple 180 degree dies and let me tell you - a perfect 90 degree bend on chromoly takes about 2 mins (vs about an hour for one with dents all along the inside from the pipe bender).
If you're on a budget this will work if you have the time and patience, but honestly the hours of time you'll spend and likely the material you will waste with the learning curve, just spend a few hundred more bucks and then you can always sell the tool for most of your money back later! Or better yet look for a used one discounted already!
Still this was a great video for helping out when we are needing to bend something on a budget or a one-time job.


I build drag cars, never been much into the off road scene but this fella sure makes it interesting. Nice vid man.


Thanks! I just picked up used Sealey bender with the same design, and was afraid of kinking the material.
Really useful tips!


Thank you for making this video! I bought one of these a few years ago and have had mixed results on the couple jobs I used it for. Now I know what I was doing wrong.
